New Collections (fonds) Uploaded to Our Website

Above photo taken of records in the Olson and Sons Meat Market fonds.

We have uploaded the following fonds to our website:

1) 559 Walter Spry fonds

2) 560 John Ernest Spry fonds

3) 561 Tranquility School Reunion fonds

4) 562 Kieyho Park fonds

5) 563 Lassiter Project memories fonds

6) 564 Olson and Sons Meat Market fonds

7) 565 Doreen Cooke fonds

We also have added photo links *(on the fonds that have pictures that have been uploaded to Alberta on Record), this is how it looks on the webpage:

Capture - curling


We think that adding photos has created a nice look on the webpages! What do you think?


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