November 8, 2022

Image: Arthur Buck writes, โ€œOne of the steamers I came up here on. It is at Athabaska Landing, Alberta, 1911.โ€ (SPRA 298.17)

Regimental Number: 101075
Rank: Private
Branch: 66th Battalion; 49th Battalion

Arthur Buck was born December 11, 1889. He filed on N.W. 33-72-8 on Dec 12, 1911. He enlisted in the Canadian army on 22 July, 1915 and served in the Canadian Overseas Expeditionary Force. Arthur received a gunshot wound to his left forearm at the Somme on October 11, 1916. He died at the No. 44 Casualty Clearing Station on November 1, 1917 from shrapnel wounds in the chest and shoulders and is buried in Nine Elms British Cemetery, Poperinghe, Belgium. Arthurโ€™s grave marker is inscribed with โ€œIt is not death but sleep.โ€

Arthur Buck in hospital, 1916 (SPRA 298.38)
Arthur Buck makes a bear cub stand on its hind legs, ca. 1912 (SPRA 298.16)


Soldier Spotlight highlights veterans from the Archivesโ€™ online Soldiersโ€™ Memorial. Each week, our volunteers select a remarkable individual to showcase in this blog series. The Soldiersโ€™ Memorial commemorates more than 1,100 WWI veterans and 2,300 WWII veterans from our region. Three dedicated volunteers have contributed over 1,200 hours to this project by researching and writing biographies. Our goal is to have all South Peace soldiers acknowledged for their service. If you know of someone who lived in the South Peace and should be listed on the Memorial, or would like to get involved by researching a local veteran, please contact the Archives.

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