Regiment: Edmonton Fusiliers
Force: Reserve Army
Norman Cunningham was born on August 23, 1926 in St. Albert AB, to parents Berl and Ella Cunningham. The family moved several times before settling in the Girouxville area in 1938. While attending school, Norman had a trap line to make extra spending money. He finished school in 1942 and moved around to Edmonton, Edson, and St. Albert for different jobs before joining the reserve army. Taking both basic and advanced training, he became the number two man in the mortar platoon, and he enjoyed army life. (His brothers, Vernon and Ray, also served in WW II.) In 1943, Norman returned to Girouxville, obtaining his own land to start a farm. ( SW 4-77-22-5). Norman married Betty Hermanutz on November 18, 1953 in Mearns AB (where they had attended school together before moving to Girouxville). They settled on Norman’s farm and raised cows, chickens, and hogs besides harvesting. The Cunninghams had 5 children: Sharon, Dale, Sheila, Alan, and Karen. After visiting Kelowna BC in 1973 and finding it very appealing, Norman and Betty moved there in the 1980’s to retire. Norman died in November 1993 at age 67 in Kelowna.
Source: Reflexions pp. 461-463 Photo p. 231
AGS – Obituary Index