Regimental Number: 154360
Rank: Sapper
Branch: 1st Canadian Pioneer Battalion; 9th Battalion, Canadian Railway Troops
Arthur was born in North Bay, Ontario on July 30, 1885. He and his wife Hannah and their children were living in British Columbia at the time of his enlistment in August of 1915. In June of 1916, Arthur was buried by a shell at Ypres. This happened a second time a week later; he was buried for two hours. In July of 1917 he was buried by a shell for the third time. Not surprisingly, Arthur suffered from nervousness and shell shock; he was also unable to control his bladder, though this problem was resolved when he returned to Canada. Arthur was sent to England in March of 1918 and was invalided to Canada in September. It is uncertain when his wife died, but according to the homestead record, Arthur was unmarried when he filed on SE 23-71-2-W6 and NW 24-71-2-W6 in 1930. He eventually cancelled these homesteads. At some point in the 1930s, Arthur married Evelyn and they moved to Grande Prairie with their children. During World War II, he was chairman of the Grande Prairie Salvage Committee which collected rags and rubber for the war effort. Arthur died on November 12, 1965.
Sources: news clippings