Marfleet, Alfred David

Regimental Number: 101083; 904843
Rank: Corporal
Branch: 66th Battalion; 194th Battalion; 4th Battalion, Canadian Railway Troops

Alfred was born in Hammersmith, England on July 19, 1882. He settled in the South Peace in 1910; his homesteads were located at 5-72-4-W6 and 25-71-6-W6. According to his service file, Alfred married Alice Elizabeth on September 1, 1916. A Grande Prairie newspaper clipping states that on October 27, 1926, he married Katherine Elizabeth Graham. What happened to Alice is unknown. Alfred moved to the west coast around 1944 and died in Victoria on January 11, 1953.

Sources: Pioneers of the Peace p. 189; HT January 15, 1953.
