Craig, Clinton Frank

Regimental Number: 135623
Rank: Private
Branch: 74th Battalion; 1st Battalion; 4th Battalion

Clinton was born on May 30, 1895 in Simcoe, Ontario. Prior to enlisting in the Canadian army on July 15, 1915, he had served for four years with the Queen’s Own Rifles. According to his service file, he was wounded in action twice:

“On June 13th 1916 while proceeding into communication trench on Hill 60, shell burst in trench and patient received wounds on scalp, neck, right shoulder, right forearm, and right foot. Was taken to dressing station at Zillebeke where he was dressed. Then to Casualty Clearing Station at Poperinghe, then to 13th Stationary Hospital at Boulogne where shrapnel was removed in one operation. Was there 3 days, then moved to Duchess of Connaught’s Canadian Red Cross Hospital, Taplow”

“On Dec. 23 1918 while on duty was hit under the right eye with end of stick, causing contusion of soft parts of cheek and contusion of eye. Eye swelled up and since then vision in right eye has been poor.”
