Fonds 014 Wanham Municipal Nursing Service Society fonds

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Summary information

Repository: South Peace Regional Archives
Title: Wanham Municipal Nursing Service Society fonds
Reference code: 0014
Date: 1924-1979 (date of creation)
Physical description: 18 cm of textual records.
Dates of creation, revision and deletion: Exported from AoR and added to new database Dec 2021.

Administrative history / Biographical sketch

Wanham Municipal Nursing Service Society, certified in 1951, was originally the Wanham District Nursing Association, established in 1924, with Miss Kate Brighty as the first district nurse. The Executive was made up of representatives of each community in the district: Wanham, Belloy, Peoria, Westvale and Heart Valley. The Nurse’s Cottage was built by the community in 1925, and remained the nurse’s residence until 1950, when a new residence was built. In 1934, Helen Faulks arrived as a new nurse. After marrying a local business man that same year, Helen Faulks Harrington was to serve the district for the next forty years on a regular basis as new nurses came and went. The nursing service was abandoned when Mrs. Harrington resigned for good in 1974.

Custodial history

The records were entrusted to Wally Tansem by Helen Harrington when the Harringtons left the community of Wanham. Mr. Tansem donated them to the archives in March 2000.

Scope and content

The fonds consists of legal documents such as By-laws, certificate and insurance policies; minutes of executive and annual meetings; annual reports from the nurse, the executive and the treasurer; correspondence and financial records for the building of the nurse’s cottage, as well as the society and the services rendered.


Title notes

  • Source of title proper: Title based on the contents of the fonds

Restrictions on access

No access restrictions

Related material

The Wanham District Nursing Association Seal and Wanham Municipal Nursing Services Society Annual Meeting stamp accessioned by the Grande Prairie Museum. Accession Numbers 2000.17a and 2000.17b.

Table of contents: Series

0014.01, Legal Documents, 1951-1973

0014.02, Annual Reports, 1958-1974

0014.03, Minutes, 1924-1974

0014.04, Correspondence, 1951-1979

0014.05, Financial Records, 1954-1974

Series descriptions

Series 0014.01: Legal Documents

Date: 1951-1973 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The series consists of the Society’s legal documents: by-laws, name change Certificate, amendments to by-laws, insurance policies, agreement with Municipal Affairs, land titles and tax notices for the Nurse’s Cottage.

Physical description: 1 cm of textual records

Series 0014.02: Annual Reports

Date: 1958-1974 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The series consists of hand-written nurses’ reports and annual financial statements. Nurses’ reports detail the number of calls made for various programs: Treatment, Welfare and Public Health, Infants and Pre-school, Home visits. The number of cases referred to doctors and the total fees collected are also documented.

Physical description: 1 cm of textual records

Series 0014.03: Minutes

Date: 1924-1974 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The series consists of three minute books for meeting from April 1924 to March 1952. Inserted in the first book are minutes of special and annual meetings, annual reports, historical notes on the building of the Nurses Cottage, and the Resolutions to petition the government of Alberta to continue the nursing service in Wanham.

Physical description: 5 cm of textual records

Series 0014.04: Correspondence

Date: 1951-1979 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The series consists of correspondence with the government of Alberta, the Wanham Board of Trade, College of Physicians and Surgeons, and local clubs and individuals. Correspondence concerns services offered; employment of district nurses; society requirements; building costs, repairs and rental agreements on the Nurse’s cottage; notices of annual meetings; the petition to keep Nursing Services in Wanham; and the 1974 closure of the nursing station at Wanham.

Physical description: 4 cm of textual records

Series 0014.05: Financial Records

Date: 1954-1974 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The series consists of a list of building fund donations; bills, statements and receipts regarding the building of the Nurse’s Cottage; bank statements and cancelled cheques. Two large receipt books contain receipts for membership fees and services rendered.

Physical description: 7 cm of textual records