While the earlier newspapers contained “telegraphic news” from around the world, and other filler items, it wasn’t until the early 1920’s that regular features started to appear. The first ones I noticed were a fashion column, and one on Household management. There were other regular items such as Sunday School Lessons, serial novels, a medical column and crossword puzzles. A popular topic, then, as today, was beauty advice. The earliest items I found were ads, but by the 1930’s there were regular columns by people such as Helelna Rubenstein. This week I thought it would be fun to look at some of the items that appeared in the newspapers in the 20’s and 30’s, a time when artificial fingernails were featured in “odd But True”, and it was suggested that a “simple speedy process” for waving the hair was sticking your head over a pan of boiling water for 5 or 10 minutes. I chose mainly articles on hair care for this time.