From the Vault Friday: Land Patent

Image: Land Patent Approval Letter addressed to Pierre Lozeron, From SPRA 006.03.01, p01.

Today’s “From the Vault Friday” features a Land Patent Approval Letter from the Pierre Lozeron family fonds (Fonds 006). The letter, addressed from the Department of the Interior Canada to Pierre Lozeron on February 3, 1916 confirms Lozeron’s patent for NW ¼ 10 73 7 W6, located North of Bear Lake. Pierre selected this site for a homestead after walking over the Edson Trail with his friend Charlie Heller in 1912. The site had a natural flowing well in a little forest, giving him a fresh supply of water and wood for fence posts. More importantly, the open land was located on a warm slope up from Bear Lake, similar to Lozeron’s family land in Switzerland.

Much of the Peace River Country was settled by homesteads under the Dominion Lands Act. Applicants who met the requirements of settlement could apply for patent (legal title). After receiving this letter, Pierre submitted an application to the Registrar of Land Registration District of North Alberta for a certificate of title, and paid any applicable fees.

For more information on the Lozeron family, visit Fonds 006: Pierre Lozeron family fonds.

For more information about land settlement in the Peace River Country, visit the Peace River Country Land Settlement Database.


From the Vault Friday is a social media campaign that highlights interesting materials from the collections of the South Peace Regional Archives. This project was made possible by an Access to Holdings Grant from the Archives Society of Alberta.

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