Fire Stories

New fire hall and water tower with well-equipped firefighters ready for service, ca. 1920
New fire hall and water tower with well-equipped firefighters ready for service, ca. 1920

To mark the Grande Prairie Fire Department’s 100th anniversary celebrations this weekend, I have chosen three fire related items from the newspapers.  The first from 1916 describes a destructive fire that swept main street, but was checked by the use of the chemical engines purchased the year before.  An article from 1933 describes an incident linked to a fire in the Spencer Block, where dynamite was going to be used to stop the fire from spreading.  The third item we have used before in this blog, but I think it’s good enough to repeat – a practical joke which the fire department was privy to.  I can’t imagine a stunt like that being allowed today!

Researched & written by Kathryn Auger

Grande Prairie Herald ~ August 15, 1916
Grande Prairie Herald ~ August 15, 1916
Northern Tribune ~ September 7, 1933
Northern Tribune ~ September 7, 1933
Grande Prairie Herald ~ February 24, 1928
Grande Prairie Herald ~ February 24, 1928

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