Cooking for Lent

Fish for Supper Violet Jebb with the speckled trout caught in Nose Creek. Mr. Bredin, in the background, is preparing to cook the trout. (1935)
Fish for Supper
Violet Jebb with the speckled trout caught in Nose Creek. Mr. Bredin, in the background, is preparing to cook the trout. (1935)

We haven’t had any recipes for a long time, so when I ran across these I thought they would be worth a look.  Part of the Lenten tradition involves giving up something – usually a food, habit, or vice.  Meat is abstained from during Lent.  Just for fun, here are a few of the things people are giving up for Lent, according to the tracked usage of the word “Lent” by Google: fried foods, carbohydrates, chocolates and sweets, the internet, social media, Netflix, and makeup!  Back to the recipes from the newspaper: the Cream of Spaghetti Soup and the Nut Dressing look a bit odd, though I may try them.  The fish recipe looks pretty good, I think.  But I am not a fan of Shredded Wheat no matter what is done to it!

Researched & written by Kathryn Auger

Grande Prairie Herald ~ February 19, 1937
Grande Prairie Herald ~ February 19, 1937

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