December 5, 2017

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas at the South Peace Regional Archives…

Among their regular duties, the Archives staff have been busy preparing for the holiday season. This year, the Archives is highlighting our collections through several seasonal displays and projects. Archives Technician Donna crafted a display of homemade Christmas cards which has supplemented the Grande Prairie Museum’s educational programming. Last week, Archives staff and volunteers prepared a festive booth for the Christmas Farmer’s Market featuring local history books, led by former Executive Director Mary. Meanwhile, Donna and Archivist Josephine have been curating a new display of photographs and paper artifacts which highlight “Winter Work and Winter Fun” in the South Peace Area.  Finally, the entire Archives staff began a new office tradition this month: trimming the Christmas trees. The Archives tree Christmas feature reproductions of winter photographs, cards, and postcards from our collections. The largest tree is currently on display in the entrance to the Grande Prairie Museum displays while the smaller two trees decorate the Archives.

The Archives’ Christmas trees and both displays will be showcased at the Community Christmas this Saturday (1-4pm) at the Grande Prairie Museum. Archivist Josephine will be on location to share stories from Christmas past. We hope to see you there!

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