January 19, 2016

Bill Scott’s Potpourri in Friday’s paper mentioned the fairly warm winter we’ve been having.  I thought of that when I ran across this item from January 1935 about a cold spell which had lasted for over a month.  On top of the cold, there had been 21 inches of snow in January.  I remember going to school when it was -50 F (-45 C).  I’m not sure how we felt about it at the time, but looking back now, it seems like an adventure!  A short article in the same paper tells about the Firemen’s Ball which was attended by 200 people in spite of the 50 below temperature.  I’m like Bill, glad of the mild winter… fingers crossed!

Researched & written by Kathryn Auger

Grande Prairie Herald ~ January 25, 1935
Grande Prairie Herald ~ January 25, 1935
Grande Prairie Herald ~ January 25, 1935
Grande Prairie Herald ~ January 25, 1935


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