December 23, 2015

Grande Prairie's main street showing businesses lining both sides and a hose and wagon disappearing down a rutted snow path. (ca. 1930)
Grande Prairieโ€™s main street showing businesses lining both sides and a hose and wagon disappearing down a rutted snow path. (ca. 1930)

This news item from the December 24, 1931 paper tells about an initiative of the Grande Prairie businessmen to have the road cleared all the way to Beaverlodge.  There had been a lot of blowing snow, and apparently parts of the road were drifted in, making them impassable.  I think it likely that getting people into town to shop at their stores would have been one reason for this unusual measure.

Weโ€™ll end our postings for this year with an ad from the same paper, with Christmas wishes to all.

Researched & written by Kathryn Auger

Grande Prairie Herald ~ December 24, 1931
Grande Prairie Herald ~ December 24, 1931
Grande Prairie Herald ~ December 24, 1931
Grande Prairie Herald ~ December 24, 1931

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