March 31, 2015

Grande Prairie Herald ~ March 16, 1915
Grande Prairie Herald ~ March 16, 1915

There’s an old saying that says, “Be careful what you wish for” – in this case it should be, “Be careful what you advertise for.”  Included in the items posted for St. Patrick’s Day was an advertisement for a wife.  Appearing two weeks later in the April 1, 1915 Signal was this account of what happened when the advertiser met with one of the applicants.  Apparently the fellow received over one hundred replies to his ad.  I wonder if he ever did find a wife – there is no other listing in the family names database for his name.  Or possibly after the incident reported in the newspaper, he was laughed out of town!

Researched & written by Kathryn Auger

Frontier Signal ~ 1 April 1915
Frontier Signal ~ 1 April 1915
Frontier Signal ~ 1 April 1915
Frontier Signal ~ 1 April 1915

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