February 17, 2015

The February 18, 1915 Spirit River News mentions several businesses operating in Spirit River.  Of note was the Holden House, which appears to have been a hotel and restaurant, with, as was common, a livery and feed barn “in connection.”  An exciting feature of the building was a fine well found in the basement!  The large second floor was used for dances with as many as 150 in attendance.  An article about a “Ladies’ Ball” two years later indicates that dances were still being held there, and the building was still owned by Mr. Holden.  The Ladies’ Ball was quite a unique format, being described as resembling a leap year social event.

Researched and written by Kathryn Auger

Frontier Signal ~ February 18, 1915
Frontier Signal ~ February 18, 1915
Grande Prairie Herald ~ February 20, 1915
Grande Prairie Herald ~ February 20, 1917

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