January 27, 2015

Hope you’re not getting tired of the news from Moose Creek City – but I found this column in the January 28, 1915 paper and couldn’t resist one last time.  The original report of the “Ice Boat Adventure” had been in the December 10, 1914 paper, and almost six weeks later it was still being mentioned.  It must have been one of the most exciting things to happen around there for a long time.  It is also interesting to notice that the same people get mentioned in the columns every time – either they are the most prominent citizens of the area, or there aren’t very many people to write about!

In the January 27, 1938 issue of the Northern Tribune, the area news columns from Scenic Heights and Pipestone Creek caught my eye.  The Scenic Heights writer does a detailed item about a local cribbage tournament which was an annual event in the area, with trophies and bragging rights.  The Pipestone Creek article starts off with “Stop Press News,” which is bound to get attention, and follows with several other interesting items, including haying in January, an injunction against an enlarged school, and the annoyance of the night staff (at what one assumes was a local cafe) at having to make supper at 9:00 PM.

researched & written by Kathryn Auger

The Frontier Signal ~ January 28, 1915
The Frontier Signal ~ January 28, 1915
Northern Tribune ~ January 27, 1938
Northern Tribune ~ January 27, 1938
Northern Tribune ~ January 27, 1938
Northern Tribune ~ January 27, 1938

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