August 16, 2013

In keeping with the mandate of SPRA, we have created a YouTube channel! This enables us to make our collections, which include 387 sound recordings and 193 film and video recordings, accessible to everyone. Featuring a variety of interviews, educational films, and 8mm home videos, the SPRA channel provides a new and exciting way to experience the history of the South Peace. We also have funny animal videos.

Below is a sound recording of Charlie and Winnie Moore being interviewed by Malcolm Menzies. The Moore family, comprised of six children, achieved great success not only farming but also in their business and community endeavors. Their interests included the DeBolt and District Pioneer Museum, and the Alberta Seed Growers Association.


Charlie and Winnie Moore Interview โ€“ February 13th, 1990


Photograph above from the DeBolt & District Pioneer Museum collection at the Archives (0116. โ€“ Charlie Moore Family, ca. 1964 (l-r) Norman, Charlie, Marvin, Brian, Vernon, Grandma DeBolt, Maurice, Winnie, and Lynda.