SPRA Society

The South Peace Regional Archives Society was formed in 2007 to operate the Archives and its work to gather, preserve and share the records of Alberta’s South Peace Region. Members meet every year at the Annual General Meeting to discuss bylaws, reports, and strategic plans for the Archives and Society.

Members who have been voted on to the board of directors meet four times a year to oversee the operations of the archives.


Become a Member

Benefits of Membership:

  • be added to the mailing list for our quarterly magazine, Telling Our Stories
  • be actively involved in preserving the history of the area
  • have a voice in keeping archival collections in the South Peace Country
  • receive communications from the society, including notice of meetings
  • attend any meeting of the society
  • speak at any meeting of the society; and
  • run for office in the society

Annual Membership

Entitles you to receive communications to stay informed about issues and happenings at the Archives, get involved in the society, attend meetings, vote on issues, and run for office.



Membership SPRA - Telling Our Stories Magazine Subscription

Membership SPRA - Telling Our Stories Magazine Subscription

$25.00 - $40.00

Buy now

Lifetime Membership

Receive all of the benefits of a regular membership, without the hassle of yearly renewal, and know that your membership could have a greater immediate impact. Contact staff at the archives to learn more.

Fee: $500.00/ person


Board of Directors

Alice Sims


Christine Schlief

M.D. of Greenview

Duff Crerar


Eleanor Dalen Whitling

Vice President

Gail Schau


Gary Dixon


Gladys Blackmore

City of Grande Prairie

Jan Shields


Kristen Smith

Saddle Hills County

Maxine Maxwell


Meaghan Peuramaki-Brown


Meg Archer


Peter Harris

County of Grande Prairie

Shawn Morton


Stan Bzowy

M.D. of Spirit River

Suzanne Dunn
