There was no big local stories this week, but lots of interesting short items. Sporting challenges were being issued for events to take place at the upcoming Fair at Lake Saskatoon, another building painted in the town, apparently paint was rare enough to make the front page news, and a change of name as well as a paint job for a local hotel. I thought it was interesting that the painter was “imported” from Lake Saskatoon. On page 3 is an announcement that the paper would be issued twice a week while the war was on. I have noticed before and found it curious that articles that seem fairly important, such as the paper being issued twice a week, are sometimes on the third or fourth pages, or buried in the middle of local news items. I think the assumption once can make from this is that people who got the paper read the whole thing, so nothing was missed no matter where it was placed.
Taken from the Grande Prairie Herald – Aug.18, 1914