Fonds 697 Grande Prairie Century Play Society fonds

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Summary information

Repository: South Peace Regional Archives
Title: Grande Prairie Century Play Society
Reference code: 0697
Date: 2012 – 2014 (date of creation)
Physical description: 9 cm of textual materials


Language: English

Scope and content

To celebrate Grande Prairie’s 100th anniversary in 2014, the Grande Prairie Century Play Society was formed in 2012 to develop and perform a historical play. Done in the model of Colway Theatre Trust’s “community plays”, the Society contracted a small team of theatre professionals and community volunteers to plan, write, fund, and perform a three act play as well as some related activities. The performances of the play were held in Muskoseepi Park between June 12th to 15th in 2014.

This fonds contains records created by the Grande Prairie Century Play Society during these activities, including planning documents and correspondences, meeting minutes and agendas, interview transcripts and script drafts, as well as brochures and a video recording of the play performance.


Title notes

Restrictions on access

There are no restrictions on access

Series descriptions

Reference code Title Dates Physical description
0697.01 Item – Planning Documents and Meeting Minutes  2012-2013 1 cm of textual materials
Scope and content:

This folder includes records related to the planning of the Grande Prairie Century Play. This includes planning documents, meeting minutes, correspondences, form drafts, and press releases.

0697.02 Item – Brochures, Booklet, and “Chasing the Dream” Video  2014 0.5 cm of textual materials1 DVD
Scope and content:

This folder holds copies of brochures and a booklet created by the Society for the Grande Prairie Century Play as well as a DVD video recording of a play performance.

0697.03 Item – Final Report and Script Drafts  2012-2013 0.5 cm of textual materials
Scope and content:

This folder contains final reports and play script drafts created by the Society for different project partners.

0697.04 Item – Interview Transcripts and Consent Forms  2013 5 cm of textual materials
Scope and content:

This folder collects together transcripts and consent forms related to interviews the Society conducted with participants who shared historical stories that informed the final Grande Prairie Century Play.