Regimental No: M35491
Rank: Captain
Force: Army
George was born in Addington, Ontario on November 16, 1870. He and his wife, Emma Jones Peebles, came to the South Peace in 1912 and filed on land at 21-76-3-W6 and 3-72-6-W6. In 1915, George and his eldest son Harold (only 16 at the time) enlisted in the Canadian Army. In September of 1916 at the Somme, George received shrapnel wounds to his right arm and fractured the radial bone. He was discharged on October 31, 1917, having been found medically unfit due to this wound. During World War II George joined the Home Guards in London at the age of 69. He also served as a member of the British Army Intelligence Force in South Africa. While there, George was wounded and sent home to Victoria, BC. He died on November 29, 1944.
Sources: Edson to Grande Prairie Trail p. 170; Pioneers of the Peace p. 192