Rank: Private:
James Eastman was born in March of 1899 in Grenfall, SK. He served overseas in WW I. Jim was married to Dorothy Margaret Thomas (a Red Cross worker) in March 1919, in London, England. He was discharged that same year. After the couple sailed to Canada, James worked in Excelsior AB until 1923. They had 2 daughters by that time. While Jim went ahead to break 20 acres of land in Halcourt AB, Dorothy and the girls took the train to Grande Prairie, where Jim met them on July 1923. Unfortunately most of their dishes were broken because their trunks were severely damaged on the trip. At first, Dorothy cried when she saw their sod cabin, but she was determined to settle there and raise her family. In total they raised 7 children: Irene 1920, Elsie 1921, Ellen 1924, James Jr. 1928, Robert 1932, Joan (Dorothy) 1935, and Thomas 1947. When WW II was declared in 1939 Jim joined the military again with the Royal Engineers. Transferring to the Provost Corps, he went to England in November 1942. He was a sergeant of the Detention Barracks until he was discharged in 1945, returning to Canada. During both wars Jim earned his Military Medal, Mons Star, and Peace Medal. Jim passed away on October 4, 1964 in Halcourt. Dorothy moved to Victoria after Jim’s death. She passed away in July 1990.
Source: Beaverlodge to the Rockies p. 340
Grande Prairie Herald – Sept 28, 1928 (birth of son)
Sept. 21, 1939
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