Regimental Number: 181162
Rank: Private
Branch: 88th Battalion; 3rd Canadian Pioneer Battalion; 29th Battalion
Charles was born in Moore, New Zealand on May 5, 1876. He went to England and there met and married Rose Mitchum in 1895. They came to Canada and lived for a time in Ontario, before moving on to Vancouver. When the war broke out, Charles and his two eldest sons joined up and went overseas. Rose did Red Cross work as a nurse’s aid. The family moved to the Peace country after the war and Charles homesteaded on N ½ 12-73-3-W6 near the Smoky River. When the youngest son Wesley and his family moved to Whonnock, BC in 1945, Charles sold his land and moved to be near them. He died on August 1, 1952.
Sources: Smoky River to Grande Prairie, p. 158