Fonds 362 W. D. Albright fonds


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Summary information

Repository: South Peace Regional Archives
Title: W. D. Albright fonds
Reference code: 0362
Date: 1890-1945 (date of creation)
Physical description: 5 cm of textual records

764 slides

416 cards

Language: English
Dates of creation, revision and deletion: Processed by Leslie Gordon October 2009
Added to new database August 2022 – TD
Note: This fonds has been identified as having Indigenous related content. Researchers may encounter language that is outdated and offensive. To learn more about Indigenous records at the South Peace Regional Archives please see our guide.

Administrative history / Biographical sketch

William Donald Albright was born in South Cayuga, Haldimand County, Ontario on August 15, 1881, to Josiah D. and Sarah Elizabeth (Moyer) Albright, and was of Pennsylvania Dutch heritage. The Albright family moved to a Beamsville fruit farm when William was 13. He attended two years of high school, one year junior Matriculation, and took a two-year associate course at Ontario Agricultural College (OAC), Guelph from 1901 to 1903 for which he won the Governor-General’s prize for general proficiency.

Following graduation in 1903, he became Editor-in-chief of the Maritime Farmer in Sussex, New Brunswick. A year and a half later, he returned to Ontario, becoming associate editor of the London, Ontario Farmer’s Advocate in 1905. Three years later he was promoted to managing editor. In 1911, Albright convinced the Advocate’s publishers to purchase and run Wildwood Farm near London with him in charge.

On May 22, 1908, Albright married Eva Belle Lossing, only daughter of Richard Cromwell and Mary Ann Avey Lossing, from Otterville, Ontario. The Albrights later had three children: Florence Eileen, born in London, Ontario, and Frederick Bruce and Robert Gordon, born in Beaver Lodge, Alberta. Eileen later married William Ross and Gordon married Ruth Lowe. Bruce joined the RCAF during World War II and died in the Essen raid June 2, 1942.

In 1913, the Albrights left Ontario to join Mrs. Albright’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Lossing, who were part of the Bull Outfit and had settled in Beaver Lodge, Alberta in 1909. The Albrights arrived in Beaver Lodge on October 26, 1913 having journeyed by steamboat up the Athabasca, by freight-cache steamboat down the Athabasca river and across Lesser Slave Lake to Grouard, and finally overland by wagon the remainder of the way. They filed on a homestead and purchased a South African scrip from Mr. Lossing. Albright eventually owned three-quarter sections of land, SE 6-72-9-W6 (the homestead), SE 1-72-10-W6, and SW 1-72-10-W6.

Albright wrote to the Director of Dominion Experimental Farms, Dr. J. H. Grisdale in early 1914 offering to do a few tests to increase the amount of knowledge available on crops suitable for the area, if seed was provided. He was given grants in 1915 and 1916 to carry out more work and in 1917 the government offered to lease 20 acres of his land and pay him a part-time salary to conduct experimental work, thus establishing the Beaverlodge Dominion Experimental Sub-station. Albright assumed the position of Superintendent on April 1, 1919. The sub-station continued to increase in size and staff in the succeeding years and buildings, including an experimental threshing barn with a bunkroom and office, a silo, log boarding house, garage, greenhouse, portable hog cabins, gothic-roofed barn, bunkhouse, and small staff houses, were gradually added. The Government finally bought the farm (about 318 acres) in 1940 and in 1941 the sub-station achieved full station status.

Various experiments were undertaken at the research station with different types of crops, livestock, and methods, allowing the station to provide suggestions to farmers in the area. Connected with the Beaverlodge sub-station were five illustration stations: two in British Columbia at Baldonnel and Pouce Coupe and three in Alberta at Fairview, Dreau, and High Prairie.

Albright spent his summers visiting most communities in both the Alberta and British Columbia sections of the Peace River country “attending field days, visiting the five illustration stations to collaborate with their owners and operators” and lecturing, frequently against the backdrop of his lantern slides. Many of the slides were produced from his own photographs. Albright was willing to go to “any accessible point in northern Alberta or northern British Columbia” as long as there was a hall available at no charge to the Station which would be heated, lighted, and opened to allow them to start exactly when scheduled. Albright was also a writer and poet. From 1928 onward, approximately 20 western Canadian newspapers carried his weekly column, “Timely Hints” which addressed agri-business concerns.

Albright was also very involved in the local community. In 1918 he helped organize a 1200 name petition to extend the Edmonton, Dunvegan and B.C. Railway. He was president of the Beaver Lodge Board of Trade for several terms beginning in 1931. Due in part to his efforts, the Associated Boards of Trades of the Peace River was organized in 1931 and Albright served as president for the organization’s first two years. He also served as chairman of a local advisory committee for the Saskatoon Island and Saskatoon Mountain Parks, a member of the committee for Canada of the International Geographical Union, Chairman of the local War Finance Committee, President of the local Red Cross, President of the West District Hospital Association, a Director of the Monkman Pass Highway Association, and Chairman of the School Board.

Albright also had a few noteworthy travels during his time as Beaverlodge Substation’s Superintendent. In 1930, he took a three week trip to southern British Columbia in connection with the On-To-the-Peace association. After this trip, he flew down the Mackenzie River, exploring and gathering information on the area’s agricultural potential. The lantern-slide show he produced from his photographs was the most popular one in his repertoire. In 1937, Albright went to Ottawa to be editor of the publication “Fifty Years of Progress on Dominion Experimental Farms 1886-1936.”

Albright became ill with Parkinson’s Disease around the beginning of World War II, but continued his work until he was forced to retire in March 1945. The Albrights moved to the more beneficial climate of Haney, B.C. in October of the same year. He died at Haney less than a year later on May 1, 1946 and was buried in the Beaverlodge Cemetery. Eva Belle Albright later moved to Edmonton and died in 1978.

Albright summed up his long career and many accomplishments in his “Timely Hints” column of March 28, 1946, stating that “Four or five thousand photographs have been taken and 1,000 lantern slides made. Scores of mimeographs have been prepared and thousands of articles penned. Each annual report, whether printed or not, has amounted to a volume. Between 50,000 and 100,000 letters have been written by the staff. Twelve years’ records have been kept of 409 lectures delivered in 100 halls and schoolhouses all over the Peace and Athabasca watersheds and beyond… Visitors have been entertained by scores of thousands. The register is adorned with the names of four Governor-Generals, three or four Lieutenant Governors, two or three premiers, two railroad presidents, many statesmen and cabinet ministers, scientists, tourists, land seekers and travellers with addresses spread from Sweden to Hong Kong, not forgetting a Vice-president of the United States.”

In January 1946, Albright was granted an honourary Doctorate of Laws by the University of Alberta “in recognition of his service to agriculture and his part in the development of the Peace River region.” Following his death, the “W. D. Albright Scholarship Fund” was set up with subscriptions by the settlers of the Peace to assist 24 Peace River region students pursue further education. He was honoured further with a memorial cairn erected by the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada at the Beaverlodge station.

Custodial history

After the death of W. D. Albright, the textual records passed to the custody of his wife, Eva Belle Albright. She and Francis Flint tried to organize the records and asked for help from Francis’ daughter, Beth Sheehan. Beth eventually inherited the records and later donated them to the Grande Prairie Public Library. The Library added them to the Charles Spencer reference collection. In 2008, GPPL passed them on to South Peace Regional Archives.

The glass lantern slides and index cards originally belonged to the Beaverlodge Research Station which discarded them. The slides were rescued by Bill Sterr and preserved by South Peace Centennial Museum. In 2009, with the agreement of Mr. Sterr’s partner, Margaret Pfau, they were donated to South Peace Regional Archives. Copies of some lecture notes were also donated with the slides.

Scope and content

The fonds consists of lecture notes, addresses, radio addresses, articles, research materials, and slides and index cards created or gathered by W. D. Albright. The material dates from 1890 to 1945 and relates to Albright’s work as a speaker and author, connected with his role as Beaverlodge Experimental Substation Superintendent.


Title notes

  • Source of title proper: Title of fonds based on contents.


The fonds is organized in two series: Lecture Notes and Lantern Slides. The division is primarily due to the difference in media, since the two series are intellectually closely related to one another and deal with many of the same topics

Access points

  • Graphic material (documentary form)
  • Textual record (documentary form)
  • Agriculture (subject)
  • Land, settlement and immigration* (subject)

Table of contents

0362.01, Lecture Notes, 1924-1945

0362.02, Lantern Slides, 1890-1941

Series descriptions

Series 0362.01: Lecture Notes

Date: 1924-1945 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The series consists of lecture notes, addresses, radio addresses, articles, and research materials created or gathered by W. D. Albright. The material dates from 1924 to 1945, most predominantly from the mid-1930s to 1940s, and relates to Albright’s work as a speaker and author. Much of the material, particularly that relating to agriculture, is closely connected to his work as the Superintendent of the Beaverlodge Experimental Sub-station.

Physical description: 4 cm of textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)


The records were originally housed in two binders and appear to fall into several large topic groups including pioneering, substation work, Peace River District, soil erosion, crops, vitamins, motivational speeches, World War II (including Red Cross and Victory Bonds), and poetry.

The majority of the material was originally housed in two binders and the records were kept in the same order as they appeared within the binders, although some slight rearrangements were made to reunite dismembered articles. The contents of the Agricultural files were originally in one binder and the contents of the Motivational file and the Lantern Slide Indices file were in the other. Binder 1’s contents now found in Agriculture files 1 and 2 with loose article from former Spencer reference collection added to the front. Loose material previously housed in the Spencer reference collection and the lantern slide boxes were added to Agricultural File 1 and Lantern Slide Indices.

Series 0362.02: Lantern Slides

Date: 1890-1941 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The series consists of slides and index cards created or assembled by W. D. Albright and used by him to illustrate his lectures and addresses. The slides were produced from photographs taken by Albright and others between 1890 and 1941. The slides themselves were likely created between 1930 and 1942. Many of the slides have detailed captions and relate to Albright’s work as sub-station Superintendent.

Physical description: 764 slides

416 cards

Access points:

•                Graphic material (documentary form)

•                Textual record (documentary form)


As far as possible, the slides and cards are arranged according to the library codes and instructions provided by the creator. In places where the exact order intended was unclear (owing to the absence of the library master list), the archivist imposed an order consistent with the library system used by the creator. The slides and cards are arranged in fourteen topic groupings: Agricultural Bacteriology (including Soil Bacteriology), Animal Husbandry, Apiary, Cereals, Chemistry (including Soil Fertility), Field Husbandry, Forage Crops, Horticulture, Miscellaneous, Mackenzie District, Personal, Pioneer, General, and Songs.

File / item list
Reference code Title Dates Physical description
0362.02.01.01 Item – Results of inoculation in dry season  1921 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3.25 x 3.25 in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 5 [Ag. B.] Results of inoculation in a dry season. Alfalfa 2’ high; sweet clover 3’-4’. First cutting, Beaverlodge. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.01.02 Item – Volunteer alfalfa patch  1921 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3.25 x 3.25 in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 10 [Ag. B.] Dr. Malte in patch alfalfa volunteering in 1918 seeding alfalfa and rye grass. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 14.

0362.02.01.03 Item – Trench through alfalfa and Western rye  1921 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3.25 x 3.25 in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 45 [Ag. B.] Trench through three-year-old-stand alfalfa and Western rye. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 15.

0362.02.01.04 Item – Irregular areas of inoculation  1921 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3.25 x 3.25 in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 60 [Ag. B.] Irregular areas of inoculation evident in an alfalfa plot of 1919 seeding, G. + C. mixture test. Dark green patch in front of girl shows inoculation. Faded white areas are devoid of inoculation. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.01.05 Item – Effect of acc. or natural inoculation  1922 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3.25 x 3.25 in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1922 -31 [Ag. B.] Effect of acc. or natural inoculation in 3-year-old stand alfalfa. Left – uninoculated. Right – inoculated.

0362.02.01.06 Item – Soil versus culture inoculation  1931 1 index card
Scope and content:

B.L. 1931 – Soil Bact. 3. Soil versus culture inoculation.

0362.02.01.07 Item – Inoculated alfalfa  1933 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Top: B.L. 1933 – Ag. Bact. 4. Contrast between alfalfa inoculated with Rothamstad and soil culture (Clarke’s farm). Photograph taken by W. D. Albright . Lower: B.L. 1933 – Ag. Bact. 1. Inoculation test with alfalfa. Photograph taken by E.C. Stacey. Used in 1941 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 40 (1941).

0362.02.01.08 Item – Alfalfa inoculation test on the Clarke farm  1934 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1934 – Ag. Bact. 2. 1932 Inoculation test with alfalfa, Clarke farm, showing growth on the plot inoculated by the Ottawa culture plus phosphate, left, and on the plot inoculated by Rothamsted culture, right. Both inoculations being made 24 hours in advance of seeding. Photographed June 12, 1934 by E. C. Stacey. Used in 1941 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 41.

0362.02.01.09 Item – Seeding alfalfa in an inoculation test  1935 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1935 – Ag. Bact. 4 + 5. 1934 seeding of alfalfa in the inoculation test on the Clarke place, showing Top. Plots from seed treated with Rothamsted-acid-tolerant, Ottawa-173 and Ottawa-commercial cultures. Bottom: do. Ottawa-Commercial culture, check (uninoculated) and soil inoculated (seed treated a week in advance). Photograph taken by E. C. Stacey. Used in 1941 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 42.

0362.02.02.01 Item – First silo in the Peace River region  1920 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1920 – A.H. 1. Erecting and filling the first silo in the Peace River region. Beaverlodge Experimental Sub-station, 1920.

0362.02.02.02 Item – Carload of cattle  1921 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 1. [A.H.] Carload of cattle wintered as stores in open-front shed. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.02.03 Item – Yearlings and two-year olds  1921 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1921 – 48 [A.H.] Bunch of yearlings and two-year olds. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 8.

0362.02.02.04 Item – Range steer  1921 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1921 – [A.H.] 49. On good terms with a range steer.

0362.02.02.05 Item – Chickens on Christmas Day  1921 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 65 [A.H.] Christmas Day, 1921.

0362.02.02.06 Item – Yorkshire judging class  1922 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1922 – 66 [A.H.] Mr. Geo. B. Rothwell conducting a class in judging Yorkshires, Dominion Experimental Station, Beaverlodge, October, 1922. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.02.07 Item – Swine breed test  1922 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1922 – 73 (Mattinson) [A.H.] Pick of 4 pens in the swine breed test. Beaverlodge station, 1922.

0362.02.02.08 Item – Poland China barrow  1922 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1922 – 74 (Mattinson) [A.H.] A grade Poland China barrow fed in Breed Test at Beaverlodge, 1922. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 26.

0362.02.02.09 Item – Two best Yorkshires  1922 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1922 – 75 (Mattinson) [A.H.] Two best Yorkshires, Breed test, Beaverlodge. 1922. Sow in front almost perfect carcass. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 27.

0362.02.02.10 Item – Hampshire and Yorkshire carcasses  1922 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1922 – 76 (Mattinson) [A.H.] Hampshire and Yorkshire carcasses, Killing test, Breed experiment, 1922. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 29.

0362.02.02.11 Item – Swine carcasses  1922 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1922 – 77 (Mattinson) [A.H.] Carcasses of Champ. class short course Grande Prairie, October 1922. Left to right York. barrow No. 1 lean; York. sow No. 1 Leanest; Best Hamp; Best Poland; Best Duroc.

0362.02.02.12 Item – Swine carcasses  1922 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1922 – 78 (Mattinson). [A.H.] Two best Yorkshires, best Hampshire, best Poland-China and best Doroc-Jersey from bacon standpoint. Killing test, Breed Experiment, Beaverlodge, 1922. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture.

0362.02.02.13 Item – Breed test carcasses  1922 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3.25 x 3.25 in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1922 – 79 (Mattinson) [A.H.] Carcasses in breed test, Beaverlodge 1922.

0362.02.02.14 Item – Pig pens  1922 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1922 – 80 [A.H.] The Palace-Cafe pig pens, Dominion Experimental Substation, Beaverlodge. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 25.

0362.02.02.15 Item – Side of beef  1922 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1922 – 82 [A.H.] Side of beef from an experimentally-fed steer. Killed before fully finished. Meal rations per day. Gain. Carcass weight 752lb. Dressed percent 60%. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 9.

0362.02.02.16 Item – Feeding experiment with swine table  1922 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1922 – 84 [A.H.] Feeding Experiment with Swine table, Beaverlodge. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 30.

0362.02.02.17 Item – Yorkshire sow, Prairie lass  1923 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1923 – A.H. 2. Yorkshire sow, Prairie lass – 89800 – Dam of litter of 6 farrowed July, 1923.

0362.02.02.18 Item – Yorkshire sow, Jennie  1923 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1923 – A.H. 4. Yorkshire sow Jennie – 9546g – and a few of her July, 1923 litter of nine, just before weaning.

0362.02.02.19 Item – Yorkshire sow, Dora  1923 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1923 – A.H. 5. Yorkshire sow Dora and litter of 12 (Lot III in Strain test). Used in Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 31.

0362.02.02.20 Item – Silo protected by straw-pile  1923 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1923 – A.H. 6. Silo protected by straw-pile. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 20.

0362.02.02.21 Item – Sides of bacon  1923 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1923 – A.H. 7. Sides of bacon representing four pigs from each of three litters, Strain Test, 1923. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 32.

0362.02.02.22 Item – Bull, Ringmaster, and a calf  1924 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1924 – A.H. 9. Herd bull (Ringmaster) and his get. Calf beside bull 13-months old.

0362.02.02.23 Item – Agassiz Holstein herd  1923 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[A.H.] Part of Holstein herd at Agassiz, B.C., 1923.

0362.02.02.24 Item – Hogs on alfalfa pasture  1925 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1925 – A.H. 1. Hogs on alfalfa pasture in rows, Farm W. D. Albright, 1925. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 33.

0362.02.02.25 Item – Shorthorn steer, Baldy  1926 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1926 – A.H. 1. “Baldy”, grade Shorthorn steer raised by W. D. Albright. Farm weight 1,400lbs at exactly 2 years, 1926. Edmonton selling weight 1,250lbs. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 10.

0362.02.02.26 Item – Bronze turkey gobbler  1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1930 – A.H. 1. Bronze turkey gobbler belonging to J. W. Wilkie, Beaverlodge. Weight 49 pounds. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 23.

0362.02.02.27 Item – Bronze turkeys  1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1930 – A.H. 2. Part of J.W. Wilkie’s banded flock of bronze turkeys.

0362.02.02.28 Item – Wiltshire sides  1933 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1933 – A.H. 1 + 2. Major Freeborn’s Demonstration Wiltshire sides. From A. – Select. B. – Bacon. C. – Butcher Hog. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 34.

0362.02.02.29 Item – Winter hog pens  1934 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1934 – A.H. 4. Exp. Hog pens, cabins banked with straw. For winter use. Photograph taken November 6, 1934 by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 36.

0362.02.02.30 Item – Hogs fed with oats  1935 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1935 – A.H. 6. Lot I. Hogs fed with oats as exclusive cereal. Photographed February 15, 1935. Average weight next day 154lb. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 37.

0362.02.02.31 Item – Hogs fed with oats and wheat  1935 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1935 – A.H. 8. Lot 3. Hogs fed with oats and a larger proportion of wheat as cereal. Photographed February 15. 1935. Average weight next day 174lb. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 38.

0362.02.02.32 Item – Hogs fed with oats and barley  1935 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1935 – A.H. 10. Lot V. Hogs fed with oats and barley as cereal ration. Photo exaggerates appearance of this group, which, though evenest, were shortest. Gains exceeded by all lots except I (oats fed). Photographed February 15. Average weight next day 161lb. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 39.

0362.02.02.33 Item – Hogs fed with oats  1935 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1935 – A.H. 11. Five remaining pigs in oats-fed group, Lot 1., March 30, 1935, just prior to shipment. Four graded alive 2 bacons 2 butchers; on rail 3 bacons 1 butcher. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 40.

0362.02.02.34 Item – Ailing pig  1937 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1937 – A.H. 1. Ailing pig segregated from Pen. No. 2 showing characteristic flop of one ear. This pig is progeny of Lacombe Queen 106P and Lacombe Bob 243N. Photo about June 16, 1937. Ailment tentatively attributed to fact that sows had not been fed iodine during winter period of pregnancy. Painting the neck with iodine and administration of potassium iodide in the feed finally cured the ailment (to all appearances) even in this most mortal of several cases. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 41.

0362.02.02.35 Item – Ailing pigs  1940 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1940 – A.H. 3. No. 90 (barrow) out of B.L. Queen 178R and No. 86 (gilt) pen mate and litter mate of No. 90. Barrow partially paralyzed in rear quarters (sitting), first symptoms observed Dec. 30. On its right is the gilt, not paralyzed but showing goitrous symptoms as from Jan. 28. Photographed Feb. 2, 1940, aged 157 days. (Lot II of feeding test.) Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 42.

0362.02.02.36 Item – Ill pig  1940 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1940 – A.H. 18. Pig No. 97. First became ill January 29; treated with tincture of iodine and fed KI in warm milk on February 2. Appeared to overcome illness and began to put on weight. This pig gradually developed a figure S back and became wobbly on its legs. From May 15 to 29 it lost 14 pounds, drags its hindquarters and does not appear to eat or drink very much. Photographed March 27 by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 43.

0362.02.02.37 Item – Pig, Lacombe Queen  1940 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1940 – A.H. 21. Lacombe Queen 106P – aged 4 years and 2 months. Dam and grand-dam of shotes that showed peculiar symptoms in 1934 and in 1940, suggestive of vitamin B deficiency according to the veterinarians. Photographed March 24, 1940 by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 45.

0362.02.02.38 Item – Steer carcasses  1940 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1940 – A.H. 24. Quartered carcass of black Shorthorn-Holstein crossbred steer raised as one of a pair by its dam, Martha, and marketed as baby beef at 352 days of age dressing 453 pounds cold weight., estimated 459lb. warm weight, bringing at 11 cents per pound $50.49. Photographed April, 1940 by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.02.39 Item – Convalescent pigs  1940 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1940 – A.H. 29. The last four convalescent pigs (Nos. 76, 89, 91 and 96) on June 12 after a few weeks on a ration including green grass, skim milk and Pilchardene. These pigs were marketed June 21, having attained market weights. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 48.

0362.02.02.40 Item – Pig with vitamin deficiency  1941 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1941 – A.H. 15. This pig on a check ration showed vitamin deficiency during the cold weather of January. Recovered slowly but remained weak till alfalfa was fed. Finally marketed at 204 days, weight 201 pounds. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1942 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 49.

0362.02.02.41 Item – Pig which had previously collapsed  1941 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1941 – A.H. 19. Pig no. 26V suddenly collapsed Aug. 4. Put on Pilchardene and practically normal Aug 25. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1942 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 50.

0362.02.02.42 Item – Pig following recovery  1941 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1941 – A.H. 24. Recovery of pig 26V after 53 days on Pilchardene and green stuff. Photographed September 26 on shipping day by W. D. Albright. Used in 1942 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 51.

0362.02.02.43 Item – Hampshire ewes and ewe lambs  1941 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1941 – A.H. 26. Fifteen Hampshire ewes and ewe lambs which arrived from Prince George Sept. 15. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1942 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 52.

0362.02.02.44 Item – Clydesdale mare, Colony Peggy  ca. 1940 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[A.H] Colony Peggy – Clydesdale mare. Brandon Exp. Farm. Grand Champion Manitoba Winter Fair. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 1.

0362.02.02.45 Item – Clydesdale Stallion  ca. 1940 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[A.H.] Clydesdale Stallion at Agassiz, B.C. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 2.

0362.02.02.46 Item – Agassiz Segis May Echo  ca. 1940 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[A.H.] Agassiz Segis May Echo, 365-day record 30886 lb. milk and 1681 lb. fat. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 3.

0362.02.02.47 Item – Royal Ayrshire, Auchenbay Mina  ca. 1940 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[A.H.] Auchenbay Mina. Grand Champion, Royal Ayrshire. Used 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 4.

0362.02.02.48 Item – Jersey herd  ca. 1940 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[A.H.] J. B. Early’s Jersey herd on banks of Peace River. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 5.

0362.02.02.49 Item – Shorthorn cow, Ottawa Janet  ca. 1940 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[A.H.] Ottawa Janet 4th Shorthorn cow owned by Brandon Exp. Farm. Gave over 12,000 lb. milk in one year. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 6.

0362.02.02.50 Item – White Wyandotte hen  ca. 1940 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[A.H.] White Wyandotte hen, 200 eggs a year. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry Lecture as A.H. 22.

0362.02.02.51 Item – Hampshire Ram  ca. 1940 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[A.H.] Hampshire Ram (Ottawa.) Slide provided by the Canadian Government Motion Picture Bureau. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 24.

0362.02.02.52 Item – Ayrshire Bull, Overton Lord Kyle  ca. 1940 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[A.H.] Ayrshire Bull (Overton Lord Kyle). Ottawa.

0362.02.02.53 Item – Calf Feeding Competition  ca. 1940 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[A.H.] Boy’s + Girls’ Calf Feeding Competition. Slide provided by Ontario Picture Bureau.

0362.02.03.01 Item – Comb of Honey and Beaverlodge  1923 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1923 – Ap. 2 + 1. Left: A well-capped comb of honey, August, 1923. (left). Right: Beaverlodge, 1923.

0362.02.03.02 Item – Beaverlodge Apiary  1925 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1925 – Ap. 4. View of Beaverlodge Apiary taken August or early September. Colony on scales gained 10 1/2lb. in 24 hours. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.03.03 Item – Fireweed on Rupert Perry’s farm  1925 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1925 – Ap. 5. Forty-acre field of fireweed on farm of Rupert Perry. While working on this one Station colony increased 10 1/2lb. in 24 hours.

0362.02.03.04 Item – Weighing colony  1926 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1926 – Ap. 2. Scale colony, 550 lb.; best 24-hour increase 20 1/2 pounds on August 23. Honey weighed every day at Beaverlodge. Mr. G. Neely, Apiarist. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 104.

0362.02.03.05 Item – Bees swarming around Union Jack flag  1928 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1928 – Ap. 3. A loyal swarm of bees. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1935 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 109.

0362.02.03.06 Item – Foster and Crossley with hives  1934 1 lantern slide ; b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1934. – Ap. 2. “Smiling at the crop.” Foster and Crossley beside a couple of hives, September 6, 1934. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.04.01 Item – Cereal crops  1920 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1920 – C. 1. Cereals on Courses 2 and 1.

0362.02.04.02 Item – Experimental grain plots  1920 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1920 – C. 15 1/4. Experimental grain plots at the Beaverlodge Sub-station. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.04.03 Item – Cutting Liberty hulless oats  1920 3 lantern slides : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in. and 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1920 – C. 23. Cutting Liberty hulless oats, B.L., 1920. Yield 64 bushels 9lb. on field scale. After summer fallow. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1935 Cereals lecture as C. 14.

0362.02.04.04 Item – Beardless, hulless barley  1921 2 lantern slides : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 31 [C.] Variety plot beardless, hulless barley. August, 1921. Beaverlodge Experimental Sub-Station. Used in 1935 Cereals lecture as C. 18.

0362.02.04.05 Item – Variety plot, O.A.C. No. 21 barley  1921 2 lantern slides : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 32 [C.] Variety plot O.A.C. No. 21 barley, B.L. Exp. Station, August, 1921. Used in 1935 Cereals lecture as C. 17.

0362.02.04.06 Item – Variety plot, Bark’s barley  1921 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 33 [C.] Variety plot, Bark’s barley, August, 1921.

0362.02.04.07 Item – Variety plots, spring wheat  1921 2 lantern slides : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 38 [C.] Variety plots, spring wheat, August, 1921.

0362.02.04.08 Item – Plot of Marquis wheat  1921 2 lantern slides ; b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 46 [C.] A well bred plot of Marquis wheat September 5, 1921. Second date of seeding. Seeded with special strain Ottawa seed received 1920.

0362.02.04.09 Item – Variety plots, spring wheat  1921 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 47 [C.] Variety plots spring wheat. Sept., 1921. (Right foreground stooked spring rye.) Beyond, Ruby, Red Bobs, Early Red Fife in stook. Standing Kitchener and Huron with Marquis in stook beyond.

0362.02.04.10 Item – Threshing variety test plots  1921 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1921 – 57 [C.] Threshing variety test plots. Used in 1935 Cereals lecture as C. 29.

0362.02.04.11 Item – Western wheat heads  1921 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 58 [C.] Typical heads of Western wheat. Rub, Red Bobs, Early Red Fife, Marquis, Huron and Kitchener.

0362.02.04.12 Item – Experimental wheat plots  1922 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1922 – 37. [C.] Some of the Experimental wheat plots (summer fallow ends), Beaverlodge Station, 1922.

0362.02.04.13 Item – Stooked experimental plots of barley and oats  1922 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1922 – 38. [C.] Experimental plots of barley and oats in stook, Beaverlodge Station, 1922.

0362.02.04.14 Item – Wheat and barley heads  1922 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1922 – 83 [C.] Typical heads of wheats and barleys grown at Beaverlodge, 1922.

0362.02.04.15 Item – Wheat heads  1923 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1923 – C. 1. Typical heads of wheat. Used in 1935 Cereals lectures as C. 6.

0362.02.04.16 Item – South range plot, Wheat variety test  1923 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1923. – C. 2. South range plot of Reward 0.928 Spring wheat in variety test, Beaverlodge, 1923. Ruby on left, Garnet on right. Average yields of duplicate plots. Ruby 0.623 – 30–59. Reward 0.928. 31-47. Garnet 0.652 – 34-33

0362.02.04.17 Item – North range plots  1923 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1923. – C. 3. North range plots early spring wheat Beaverlodge, 1923. Order left to right: Garnet 0.652. Reward 0.928. Average yields duplicate plots in 1923. Reward 31-37. Garnet 34-33.

0362.02.04.18 Item – Barley heads 1923 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1923 – C. 5. Typical heads of barley. Used in 1935 Cereals lecture as C. 21.

0362.02.04.19 Item – Barley variety plots  1923 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1923 – C. 6. Glimpse of variety plots of barley, Beaverlodge, 1923. In foreground Himalayan 0.59 (hulless). Yield total crop 5082lb. per acre. Yield grain 52 bushels 34lb. per acre. Next plot Chinese, 0.60. Total crop per acre 5170lb. Yield grain 46 bushels 36lb. Used in 1935 Cereals lecture as C. 19.

0362.02.04.20 Item – Field of Banner oats  1923 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1923 – C. 9. Field of Banner oats on late-spring plowing. Beaverlodge valley in distance to westward.

0362.02.04.21 Item – Field peas variety plots  1923 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1923. – C. 12. Variety plots of field peas. Bunches staked to prevent shifting and mixing by wind. Representative yields: Chancellor, 0.26-38 bushels 53lb. Early White 41-29. White Alberta 38-25. Arthur 0.18-46-12. MacKay 49-58.

0362.02.04.22 Item – Plot of blooming buckwheat 1923 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1923 – C. 13. Plot of buckwheat in bloom. Yield 30 bushels 17lbs per acre. Used in 1935 Cereals lecture as C. 26.

0362.02.04.23 Item – Cutting variety test plots  1923 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1923 – C. 15. Cutting variety test plots, 1923. Used in 1935 Cereals lecture as C. 28.

0362.02.04.24 Item – Cutting Marquis wheat for comparison  1925 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1925. – C. 1. Cutting a two-acre block of Marquis wheat grown in comparison with Garnet. Cut August 24. Yield about 26 bushels per acre. Garnet 24, ripe 14 days sooner. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.04.25 Item – Blooming MacKay peas  1926 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1926 – C. 1. MacKay peas in bloom, 1926. Used in 1935 Cereals lecture as C. 22.

0362.02.04.26 Item – Pulled pea plots  1926 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1926 – C. 3. Pea plots pulled ready for piling. Used in 1935 Cereals lecture as C. 23.

0362.02.04.27 Item – Rod-rows of cereals  1926 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1926 – C. 6. An acre of rod-row plots of cereals, August 18, 1926. Boarding house at left. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.04.28 Item – Wheat test plots  1926 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1926 – C. 7. Rod-row plots, 1926. (Co-op. test with U. of A). Test Plots wheat, Beaverlodge. Used in 1935 Cereals lecture as C. 30.

0362.02.04.29 Item – Grain plots  1926 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1926 – C. 11. Grain plots, August 1926. Barley 67-93 bushels per acre; oats 90 odd -151; wheat 55-68. Used in 1935 Cereals lecture as C. 27.

0362.02.04.30 Item – Cutting variety test plots of wheat  1926 1 lantern slide ; b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1926 – C. 13. Cutting variety test plots of wheat, 1926. Reward 62 bushels 30lbs.; Ruby 55 bushels 57lbs.; Garnet 55 bushels 49lbs. (Wireworms thinned Garnet). Used in 1935 Cereals lecture as C. 1.

0362.02.04.31 Item – Laurel (hulless) oats  1926 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1926 – C. 14. Laurel (hulless) oats in variety test, 1926. Abundance (badly lodged) on north (at right hand) and Gold Rain (partly lodged) at left hand. Used in 1935 Cereals lecture as C. 13.

0362.02.04.32 Item – Banner oats  1926 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1926 – C. 16. Banner oats, variety test 1926. Ligowo badly lodged on left. Aug. 29, 1926. Used in 1935 Cereals lecture as C. 11.

0362.02.04.33 Item – Cutting Banner oats  1926 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1926 – C. 18. Cutting Banner oats in D. of P. test, on unmanured ground, 1926. Yield 1st four dates 134-146 bushels per acre. Used in 1935 Cereals lecture as C. 12 (1935).

0362.02.04.34 Item – Hannchen and Bearer barleys  1926 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1926 – C. 21. Hannchen and Bearer barleys, 1926. Yields duplicate plots 79 + 93 bushels respectively. Used in 1935 Cereals lecture as C. 20.

0362.02.04.35 Item – Seeding rod-rows  1927 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1927 – C. 2. Seeding rod-rows. Used in 1935 Cereals lecture as C. 31.

0362.02.04.36 Item – Cutting variety test plots of wheat  1927 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1927 – C. 5. Cutting variety test plots of wheat Reward, Garnet, Early Triumph + Marquis, 1927. Only Reward standing erect. Used in 1935 Cereals lecture as C. 4.

0362.02.04.37 Item – Cutting Reward wheat  1927 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1927 – C. 8. Cutting Reward wheat, 1927, Beaverlodge. Yield 45 bushels per acre after various hoe crops.

0362.02.04.38 Item – Multiplying blocks of grain  1927 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1927 – C. 9. Multiplying blocks of grain, Beaverlodge 1927. Garnet wheat badly lodged. Used in 1935 Cereals lecture as C. 2.

0362.02.04.39 Item – Multiplying blocks of grain in stook  1927 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1927 – C. 10. Multiplying blocks of grain in stook, Beaverlodge 1927. Garnet wheat was badly lodged. Used in 1935 Cereals lecture as C. 3.

0362.02.04.40 Item – Harvesting rod-row plots  1927 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1927 – C. 11. Harvesting rod-row plots, 1927. Used in 1935 Cereals lecture as C. 33.

0362.02.04.41 Item – Seeding rod-row plots  1928 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1928 – C. 1. Seeding rod-row plots, 1928.

0362.02.04.42 Item – Taking notes of cereals  1929 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1929 – C. 1. Taking notes on cereals, 1929. Used in 1935 Cereals lecture as C. 32.

0362.02.04.43 Item – Swift Current nursery thresher  1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1930 – C. 4. Swift Current nursery thresher “Hortense”. Used in 1935 Cereals lecture as C. 34.

0362.02.04.44 Item – Variety test flax plots  1936 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1936 – C. 4. Variety-test flax plots on Course 6 in full bloom, July 21. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1935 Cereals lecture as C. 20B.

0362.02.04.45 Item – Examining the barley plots  1936 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1936 – C. 6. Dr. L. H. Newman, F. L. Dickinson, Professor P. A. Boving and members of Sub-station staff examining the barley plots, August 15, 1936. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1935 Cereals lecture as C. 20A.

0362.02.04.46 Item – Curing Olli barley  1941 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1941 – C. 2. Olli barley curing on A-shaped forms made of snow-fence panels after nearly two months of rain. Cut August 2; stacked October; threshed October 22. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1942 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 56.

0362.02.05.01 Item – Effect of nitrate on hay yield 1922 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1922 – 33 [Chem.] Effect of nitrate on yield of hay. B.L., 1922. Yield treated plots 132lb per acre. Untreated 40 lb. Increase 230%. Used in 1937 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 19.

0362.02.05.02 Item – Relationship between hay and barley yields  1923 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1923 – Soil Fertility 1. Relation hay yields to yields of barley. Beaverlodge. Used in 1937 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 18.

0362.02.06.01 Item – Dr. Malte in a plot of meadow fescue  1921 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 6. [F.H.] Dr. Malte, Dominion Agrostologist, standing in meadow fescue plot, Western ryegrass on right, both seeded without nurse crop, 1920. Beaverlodge Experimental Station, July, 1921. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.06.02 Item – Dr. Malte in a plot of brome  1921 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 7. [F.H.] Effect of Nurse Crops on Hay Production. Beaverlodge 1921, crop. Dr. Malte stands in plot of brome (Kentucky-blue plot adjoining) seeded without nurse crop in 1920. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.06.03 Item – Nurse crop seeding with brome grass  1921 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 8. [F.H.] How nurse crop seeding works out with brome grass. Left — plot in check range A seed, 1920 without nurse crop. Cut that year 1280lb. hay and in 1921, 3080lb. Right – plot seeded 1920 with nurse crop Ligowo oats, yielded 103 bushels per acre. Yield hay in 1921, 680lb. per acre.

0362.02.06.04 Item – Nurse crop seeding of Western rye  1921 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 9. [F.H.] How nurse crop seeding works out. Right – Western rye, etc. seeded May, 1920, without nurse crop. Left, same grasses seeded with nurse crop Ligowo oats. Yield 103 bushels per acre, July, 1921.

0362.02.06.05 Item – Stubble nurse crop test  1921 2 lantern slides : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 12. [F.H.] Stubble Nurse Crop Test comparing nurse crop seedings grasses with legumes, the latter sown with inoculated seed. Seeded 1920 with third grain crop following breaking. Beaverlodge Experimental Station. July, 1921.

0362.02.06.06 Item – Stubble nurse crop test  1921 2 lantern slides : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 13. [F.H.] Stubble Nurse Crop Test. Comparing nurse crop seedings of grasses and legumes. Seeded 1920 with third grain crop following breaking.

0362.02.06.07 Item – Rape on spring-ploughed stubble  1921 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 42. [F.H.] Rape on spring-ploughed stubble after heavy crop oats, August 21, 1921.

0362.02.06.08 Item – Rape and oats 1921 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 43 (left) [F.H.] Rape on spring-ploughed stubble after heavy crop oats, September 5, 1921. Rape sown May 6, average growth 4”. 1921 – 44 (right) [F.H.] Companion to rape picture. Oats after heavy crop oats. September 5, 1921. Compare growth with that of rape sown a day later on similar preparation.

0362.02.06.09 Item – Clovers and alfalfas  1922 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1922 -15. [F.H.] Clovers and alfalfas. Check range of the Nurse crop Experiment, 1921 seeding.

0362.02.06.10 Item – Mammoth Russian sunflowers  1923 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1923 – F.H. 2. Mammoth Russian sunflowers. Beaverlodge, September, 1923.

0362.02.06.11 Item – Filling silo  1923 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1923 – F.H. 4. Filling silo at Beaverlodge, 1923.

0362.02.06.12 Item – Alfalfa irrigated with snow  1925 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1925 – F.H. 1. Effect of irrigating alfalfa with snow run-off in dry year. Irrigated yielded 5 times as much as non-irrigated. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 22.

0362.02.06.13 Item – Alfalfa irrigated with snow water in a dry knoll  1925 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1925 – F.H. 2. Effect of snow-water irrigation on alfalfa on a dry knoll in the spring of a dry summer. Irrigated yielded five times as much hay as non-irrigated and also more aftermath.

0362.02.06.14 Item – Landscape view, September  1925 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1925 – F.H. 4. Landscape view in September showing plots. Saskatoon Mountain in distance. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.06.15 Item – Beheaded sunflowers holding snow banks  1926 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1926 – F.H. 1. Beheaded sunflowers holding snow banks, March, 1926. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 21.

0362.02.06.16 Item – Cutting sweet clover for hay  1926 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1926 – F.H. 3. Cutting sweet clover for hay in pasturing test, 1926. Used in 1935 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 31.

0362.02.06.17 Item – Effect of stubble in intercepting wash  1928 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1928 – F.H. 3. Effect of stubble in intercepting wash on Substation, spring of 1928. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 19.

0362.02.06.18 Item – Tamping a charge of stumping powder  1928 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1928 – F.H. 5. Tamping a charge of stumping powder. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry Lecture as F.H. 1.

0362.02.06.19 Item – Breaking willow scrub  1928 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1928 – F.H. 6. Breaking willow scrub with tractor on farm of W. D. Albright, 1928 (C. F. Lossing). Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 2.

0362.02.06.20 Item – Methods of seeding test  1928 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1928 – F.H. 10. Methods-of-seeding test, 1928. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 27.

0362.02.06.21 Item – Root-harrow  1928 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1928 – F.H. 11. Root-harrow ready for business. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 3.

0362.02.06.22 Item – Root-harrow at work  1928 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1928 – F.H. 12. Root harrow at work. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 4.

0362.02.06.23 Item – Root harrow being pulled by tractor  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1930 – F.H. 1. Caterpillar tractor pulling root harrow on breaking. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 5.

0362.02.06.24 Item – Reward wheat in phosphate test on fallow  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1930 – F.H. 2. Reward wheat in phosphate test on fallow, 1930 (Ignatieff standing). Left, ammonium phosphate, right, check. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 35.

0362.02.06.25 Item – Gold Coin potatoes  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1930 – F.H. 7. Gold Coin potatoes in fertilizer test. August 26, 1930. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 36.

0362.02.06.26 Item – Early Rose potatoes  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1930 – F.H. 9. Early Rose potatoes in fertilizer test. September 20, 1930. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 37.

0362.02.06.27 Item – Effect of erosion  1931 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1931 – F.H. 4 and 2. Effect of erosion, 1931. Ditches washed out and silt spread. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 20.

0362.02.06.28 Item – Effect of wind erosion  1931 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1931 – F.H. 6. Effect of wind erosion on summer fallowed knoll north of Clairmont. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 8.

0362.02.06.29 Item – Ditch filled with soil drift  1931 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1931 – F.H. 8. Ditch piled full with soil drift north of Clairmont May 15, 1931. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 9.

0362.02.06.30 Item – Binder with pick-up guards  1931 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1931 – F.H. 12. P. U. Clubine’s binder rigged with pick-up guards for pulling peas. Used in 1937 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 26 and in 1935 Cereals lecture as C. 24.

0362.02.06.31 Item – Cutting peas with binder  1931 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1931 – F.H. 13. P. U. Clubine cutting peas with binder. Used in 1937 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 25 and in 1935 Cereals lecture as C. 25.

0362.02.06.32 Item – Combine with pick-up  1931 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1931 – F.H. 17 Wembley, Alberta. Combine with pick-up, farm of Albert Stephens and sons, near Dimsdale, Alberta. Used in 1937 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 27 and in 1935 Cereals lecture as C. 8.

0362.02.06.33 Item – Snow water irrigation  1932 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L .1932 F.H. 4. Snow water irrigation, April 28, 1932. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 23.

0362.02.06.34 Item – Effect of spring erosion  1932 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1932 – F. H. 12. Guttering effect of spring erosion on bare cultivated ground, May 7, 1932. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 11.

0362.02.06.35 Item – Effect of snow water irrigation  1932 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1932 F.H. 18. Effect of snow water on irrigation on Hay Yields. Left 4406lbs. Centre 1303lbs. Right 3721lbs. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 24.

0362.02.06.36 Item – Cutting alfalfa  1933 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1933. – F.H. 3. Cutting alfalfa on knoll that had been irrigated with snow water in spring. Yield 5123lb. per acre, July 5, 1933. First cutting. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1934 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 9 and in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 25.

0362.02.06.37 Item – Renovating a grassy alfalfa stand 1934 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1934 – F.H. 2. Renovating a grassy alfalfa stand. July 12, 1934. B.L. 1934 – F.H. 13.Alfalfa aftermath in renovation test, September 11, 1934. Photographs taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 34 and in 1941 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 24.

0362.02.06.38 Item – Stacking hay by rope method  1934 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1934. – F.H. 5 and 3. Stacking hay on W. D. Albright’s homestead by rope method. July 31, 1934. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 31.

0362.02.06.39 Item – Sweet clover rotation experiment 1935 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1935 – F.H. 7. Sweet clover rotation experiment, 1934 seeding as on June 21, 1935. Left, nurse-crop seeding. Right, non nurse-crop seeding. Photograph taken by E. C. Stacey. Used in 1941 as F.H. 28.

0362.02.06.40 Item – Wireworms  1935 1 lantern slide : 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Top — 1935. – King 8 f 6. Wireworms (Ludius aeripennis) July 12, 1935, Beaverlodge. Bottom –Pupa of Ludius aeripennis) B.L., July 12, 1935. Photographs taken by K. M. King. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 48.

0362.02.06.41 Item – Field of Olli barley  1935 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1935 – King 8 f 9. Beaverlodge Sub-Station field of Olli barley. Single (left) vs. cross drilling (right). July 15, 1935. Photograph taken by K. M. King. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 49.

0362.02.06.42 Item – Spreading manure on sweet clover  1936 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1936 – F.H. 4. Spreading manure on non-nurse-crop portion of sweet clover seeded 1935 in Sweet Clover Rotation Test. Spreader in motion. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 38.

0362.02.06.43 Item – Cutting second-crop Reward wheat  1937 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1937 – F.H. 7. Cutting the second-crop Reward wheat in the 1934 seeding of the Sweet Clover Rotation Experiment., August 31. Looking north. Test swaths stooked in a row next to the driveway. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 39.

0362.02.06.44 Item – Brome-sodded wash  1938 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1938 – F.H. 1. Brome-sodded wash across Course 6. Has carried two or three winters’ run-off without scouring. Photograph taken May 28 by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 16.

0362.02.06.45 Item – Mills Wire Weeder uprooting sweet clover  1938 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1938 – F.H. 9. Mills Wire Weeder destroying a new seeding of sweet clover after patches of cutworm injury had ruined the test. Most of the sweet clover was uprooted by one passage of the implement though it was not drawn quite briskly enough for best results. Sept. 15. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 44.

0362.02.06.46 Item – Ditches scoured across fallowland  1939 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1939 – F.H. 5. An example of several ditches scoured across fallow land near the top of a slope but arrested by a brome-alfalfa meadow (N.W. field) and forced to drop its silt both in front and beyond the edge of the meadow. If not arrested these ditches would have played havoc farther down the slope. April 17, 1939. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 12.

0362.02.06.47 Item – Small modified plough for pipe-line trenching  1939 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1939 – F.H. 24. Small plough minus handles and mould board drawn slowly with long cable attached to tractor and used to loosen dirt in 6 1/2-foot pipe-line trench, greatly expediting the work. June 7, 1939. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 55.

0362.02.06.48 Item – Spring-toothing and wire-weeding land  1940 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1940 – F.H. 2. Spring-toothing and wire-weeding land matted in patches with over-wintered shepherd’s purse, May 8, 1940. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 43.

0362.02.06.49 Item – Stands of brome-alfalfa mixture 1940 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1940 – F.H. 4. Stands of brome-alfalfa mixture seeded in 1939 with Hannchen barley, centre, against Olli barley, right and left, as appearing May 25, 1940. Although catworms had badly mutilated new seedings, especially of alfalfa, in 1939, a fair stand of vigorous plants covers the Olli stubble while Hannchen stubble is unobscured. Hannchen cut August 23, yielding 38.4 bushels per acre; Olli cut August 9, yielding 29.5 bushels per acre. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 29 and in 1941 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 44.

0362.02.06.50 Item – Seeding grain and meadow-crop seed through the drill box  1940 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1940 – F.H. 6. Seeding grain and meadow-crop seed through the drill box with two men standing on the packer attachment following the seeder. Excellent germination resulted, June 1. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 40.

0362.02.06.51 Item – Threshing commercial crop of Reward wheat with McCormick Deering separator  1940 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1940 – F.H. 19. Threshing the commercial crop of Reward wheat with the new McCormick Deering separator. With the help of the new 200-bushel, shingle-roofed loading hopper one team could take care of the grain with three bundle teams and two stook pitchers in the field. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 45.

0362.02.07.01 Item – Some of the Beaverlodge Station’s early plots of grasses  1917 2 lantern slides : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1917 – F.C. 1. Some of the Beaverlodge Station’s early plots of grasses. Western rye and timothy plots in 1917, from 1916 seeding. Yields 3 tons 1838lb. per acre. Western rye and 2 tons 3lb. timothy. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 6.

0362.02.07.02 Item – Variety test plots of alfalfa  1919 2 lantern slides : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1919 – F.C. 1. Variety test plots of alfalfa seeded 1918 and photographed 1919, showing strong marginal growth in bloom around each 1 x 4 – rod plot and very dwarf, non-blooming growth in centre. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 11.

0362.02.07.03 Item – Sunflowers for the silo  1920 2 lantern slides : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1920 – F.C. 8. A ton and a half of sunflowers for the silo.

0362.02.07.04 Item – Cutting sunflowers  1920 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1920 – F.C. 11. Cutting sunflowers at Beaverlodge, October, 1920. Used 1941 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 2.

0362.02.07.05 Item – Clover, alfalfa and sweet clover plots  1921 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 3 [F.C.] Clover, alfalfa and sweet clover plots on tight clay subsoil, 1921. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 12.

0362.02.07.06 Item – Specimen plots of alsike and common red clover 1921 2 lantern slides : b&w; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 4 [F.C.] Specimen plots of alsike and common red clover, 1’ and 1 1/2’ tall, respectively, seeded June 16, 1920, with seed treated with nitro-culture from Division of Botany, Ottawa. Yields alsike, 1142lb. per acre. Common red, 2631lb. Third week July. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.07.07 Item – Comparing four legumes as hay crops  1921 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[F.C.] 1921 – 14. Comparing four legumes as hay crops, all seeded with nurse crop oats in 1920, being third successive grain crop following breaking. Sweet clover (right), 1945lb. per acre. Common red, 1335lb; Alsike, 700lb; and alfalfa, 1539lb.

0362.02.07.08 Item – In the shelter of the sunflowers  1921 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 40. [F.C.] In the shelter of the Sunflowers August, 1921. Sale of Planting test, Garden Crop.

0362.02.07.09 Item – Alfalfa and clover roots  1921 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 51 [F.C.] Alfalfa and clover roots in tight clay subsoil, 1921. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 13.

0362.02.07.10 Item – Oats, peas, vetches, and weeds 1921 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 53 [F.C.] Oats, peas, vetches and weeds in O.P.V. Mixture in Dry Summer of Spring-Plowing. Used in 1941 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 4.

0362.02.07.11 Item – Corn and sunflowers  1921 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 59 (Prior) [F.C.] Corn and sunflowers in garden D. of P. test. Sunflower yields up to 44 tons per acre.

0362.02.07.12 Item – Alfalfa showing variable height due to subsoil moisture conditions  1922 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1922 – 16. [F.C.] Alfalfa on hillside in extremely dry season of 1922 showing variable height due to subsoil moisture conditions. Used in 1941 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 18.

0362.02.07.13 Item – Alfalfa as drought resister  1922 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1922 – 18. [F.C.] Alfalfa as a drought resister.

0362.02.07.14 Item – Trench dug to trace alfalfa roots 1922 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1922 – 19 [F.C.] Trench dug in area of alfalfa to trace alfalfa roots. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 19.

0362.02.07.15 Item – Alfalfa roots in sand and clay subsoil  1922 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1922 – 21 [F.C.] Alfalfa roots in sand and clay subsoil. 16-months’ stand. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 20.

0362.02.07.16 Item – Alfalfa for seed  1922 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1922 – 22 [F.C.] Alfalfa for seed, Beaverlodge. Rows seeded 1918, ripening seed crop in 1922. (Photo Beaverlodge Experimental Station). Used in 1935 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 25.

0362.02.07.17 Item – Common biennial sweet clover for seed production 1922 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1922 – 24. [F.C.] Common biennial sweet clover (white blossom) for seed production 1922. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.07.18 Item – Ontario Exp. Union Test of Biennial Sweet clover against Hubam 1922 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1922 – 26 [F.C.] Ontario Exp. Union Test at Beaverlodge, Alberta, of Biennial Sweet clover (left) against Hubam (right) for seed production. Neither matured any seed worth mentioning. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1935 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 30.

0362.02.07.19 Item – Late Swedish clover versus alfalfa  1923 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1923 – F.C. 1. Late Swedish clover versus alfalfa. Both seeded 1922. Photographed 1923 by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 33.

0362.02.07.20 Item – Late Swedish clover versus biennial sweet  1923 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1923 – F.C. 2. Late Swedish clover versus biennial sweet, both seeded in 1922. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 34.

0362.02.07.21 Item – Variety test with Millet  1923 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1923 – F.C. 3. Variety Test with Millet, Beaverlodge 1923. Used in 1941 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 5.

0362.02.07.22 Item – Sunflowers for fodder  1923 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1923 – F.C. 5. Sunflowers for fodder, 1923. Used in 1941 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 1.

0362.02.07.23 Item – Grasses and legumes in nurse-crop test  1925 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1925 – F.C. 1. View, from north, of grasses and two legumes in 1922 seeding of nurse-crop test. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.07.24 Item – Field corn in variety test  1925 1 lantern slide ; b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1925 – F.C. 3. Field corn in variety test, 1925. Quebec 28 and Howes Alberta Flint. Used in 1941 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 3.

0362.02.07.25 Item – Harvesting variety test plots of fodder corn  1925 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1925 – F.C. 9. Harvesting variety test plots of fodder corn. Photographed by R. E. Leake.

0362.02.07.26 Item – Third-year crop of alsike and common red  1926 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1926 – F.C. 3. Third-year crop of alsike and common red. Wet summer following mild winter. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 35.

0362.02.07.27 Item – Cutting sweet clover for seed  1926 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1926. – F.C. 4. Cutting sweet clover for seed, 1926. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 29.

0362.02.07.28 Item – Alfalfa roots for stand seeded in rows  1926 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1926 – F.C. 5. Alfalfa roots from stand seeded 1923 in rows. Photographed 1926 by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 21.

0362.02.07.29 Item – Variety test grasses after a hard winter  1927 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1927 – F.C. 1. Variety test grasses after hard winter. Western rye perfect stand; per. rye almost killed, other grasses suffered. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 7.

0362.02.07.31 Item – Alfalfa seeded with homegrown seed  1927 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1927 – F.C. 8. Alfalfa seeded 1923 with homegrown seed. Photo taken in 1927. Used in 1933 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 3.

0362.02.07.33 Item – Alfalfa seeded with uninoculated seed  1929 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1929 – F.C. 4.. Alfalfa seeded July, 1928 with uninoculated seed. Photo July 15. Hand held at 2-foot mark. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 36.

0362.02.07.34 Item – Alfalfa seeded with inoculated seed one week before sowing 1929 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1929 – F.C. 5. Alfalfa seeded July, 1928. Seed treated soil-glue method one week in advance of sowing, July 15, 1929. Hand on stake at 2’ mark. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 38.

0362.02.07.35 Item – Reed canary grass  1931 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1931 – F.C. 1. Reed canary grass, 1931. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 10.

0362.02.07.36 Item – Grass plots  1931 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1931 – F.C. 2. Grass plots, 1930 seeding. Brome, Fyra W. rye, Grazier W. rye, Crested wheatgrass, and timothy. July 16, 1931. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1935 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 8.

0362.02.07.37 Item – Timothy and brome  1932 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Timothy and Brome 1931 seeding of variety test grasses. July 18. Hay yields 2906lbs. and 5276lbs. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 26 (1941) and in 1941 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 8.

0362.02.07.38 Item – Cutting sweet clover  1934 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1934 – F.C. 5. Cutting sweet clover in 1933 seeding of G. of C. test, July 5, 1934. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 30.

0362.02.07.39 Item – Timothy Crested wheatgrass, Western ryegrass, and brome 1934 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1934. – F.C. 7. Timothy Crested wheatgrass, Western ryegrass and brome in G. + C. test, 1933 seeding, Set 4, July 14. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 9.

0362.02.07.40 Item – Sweet clover and alfalfa aftermath 1934 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1934 – F.C. 8. Sweet clover (left) and alfalfa (right) aftermath in the G. + C. test (Set 2) 1933 seeding. First cutting July 6. Picture taken September 3 by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 32.

0362.02.07.41 Item – Hay crop  1934 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1935. F.C. 2. Eleventh annual hay crop from the Grimm Brooks Set 1 plot of the 1923 seeding alfalfa on exposed knoll. Yield. Photographed on July 13 by E. C. Stacey. Used in 1941 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 25.

0362.02.07.42 Item – Alfalfa variety test  1935 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1935 – F.C. 3 and 22. Alfalfa variety test, 1932 seeding. Cusack in Ladak first cutting July 13. Mower-bar in aftermath, August 27. Photographed by E.C. Stacey and W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 26.

0362.02.07.43 Item – Effect of old roadway on third annual crop of grasses  1935 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1935 – F.C. 20. Effect of old roadway on third annual crop of grasses. Crested wheat on roadway 38”. Elsewhere 27”. Western ryegrass on roadway 38”. Elsewhere 32”. Photographed by E. C. Stacey. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 41.

0362.02.07.44 Item – Hybrid field corn  1941 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1941 – F.C. 4. Hybrid field corn in Variety Test, September 9. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1942 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 47.

0362.02.08.001 Item – Orchard  1918 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1918. (H). Orchard from woodpile, 1918.

0362.02.08.002 Item – Small-fruit plantation orchard and shelter belt  1921 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 2 [H] The small-fruit plantation orchard and shelter belt in 1921. Lady standing beside Chinese lilacs. Common lilacs shown as small buses in foreground.

0362.02.08.003 Item – New Red Dutch currants  1921 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 28 [H] A well-laden bush of New Red Dutch currants. Six bushes yielded 72 lb. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.08.004 Item – Picking currants  1921 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 29 [H] Picking currants on Experimental Station. 53 bushes of red, white and black yielded 295 lb. in 1921. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.08.005 Item – Orchard, windbreak and small fruit plantation  1921 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 30 [H] Orchard, windbreak and small fruit plantation in 1921. Photo from top of silo.

0362.02.08.006 Item – Vegetable marrow  1921 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 34 [H.] Vegetable Marrow, August, 1921.

0362.02.08.007 Item – Sweet corn  1921 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 36 [H] Sweet Corn at Beaverlodge Experimental Station August 1921. Pickaninny in foreground ready to use.

0362.02.08.008 Item – Among the flowers  1921 2 lantern slides : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 52 [H.] Among the flowers.

0362.02.08.009 Item – 22 lb Pumpkin 1921 2 lantern slides : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 58 (Prior). [H] A 22-lb. pumpkin grown in the open.

0362.02.08.010 Item – Albright house and orchard  1918, 1921 2 lantern slides : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Top. B.L. 1918 Series – H. 5 ; Bottom. 1921 – 61 [H] Residence and orchard from southwest. Bottom photograph taken by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.08.011 Item – Early Rose potatoes  1921 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 63 [H.] Early Rose potatoes. Largest 8” long and 2lb. 2oz. in weight. Regular in shape except for one very slight knob. Grown on unmanured land. Cropped in 1920.

0362.02.08.012 Item – Effect of sprouting potatoes  1922 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1922 – 46 [H.] Effect of sprouting potatoes. Planted June 1, 1922. Sprouted, 202 bushels per acre. Unsprouted, 129 bushels. Used in 1933 lecture as Pot 1.

0362.02.08.013 Item – A flowerbed in August  1922 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1922 – 48 [H] A flower bed in August, Beaverlodge Station. Gladioli in the rear. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.08.014 Item – A flowerbed in September  1922 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1922 – 49 [H.] A flower bed in September, Dominion Experimental Station. Cosmos conspicuous in foreground. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.08.015 Item – Small-fruit plantation, shelterbelt and apiary  1923 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1923 – H. 1. Glimpse of small-fruit plantation, Beaverlodge, 1923, with shelterbelt and apiary.

0362.02.08.016 Item – Tulips blooming in May  1923 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1923 – H. 1b. Tulips blooming in May, 1923.

0362.02.08.017 Item – A late picking of Herbert raspberries  1923 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1923 – H. 2. A late picking of Herbert raspberries, Beaverlodge, 1923.

0362.02.08.018 Item – A late picking of Herbert raspberries  1923 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1923 – H. 2a. A late picking of Herbert raspberries. Beaverlodge, 1923.

0362.02.08.019 Item – A flowerbed  1923 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1923 – H. 4a. A flower bed, Beaverlodge.

0362.02.08.020 Item – First dahlia to bloom from seed 1923 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1923 – H. 5. First dahlia ever blooming from seed, Beaverlodge (Double pompon).

0362.02.08.021 Item – Gathering gladioli  1923 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1923 – H. 7. Gathering gladioli, 1923.

0362.02.08.022 Item – Gladioli grown with artificial protection 1923 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1923 – H. 8. Gladioli grown with artificial protection. Used in 1935 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 92.

0362.02.08.023 Item – Country Gentlemen potatoes 1923 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1923 – H. 11. Country Gentleman potatoes, 1923. Yield 463 bushels 58 lbs. per acre marketable. Used in 1933 lecture as Pot. 2.

0362.02.08.024 Item – Compound potato  1923 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1923 – H. 12. A compound (or complex) potato over three pounds in weight. Not room in the hill for these to grown separately.

0362.02.08.025 Item – Tomatoes ripened in the open 1923 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1923 – H. 13. Tomatoes ripened in the open. More than a bushel ripened in open.

0362.02.08.026 Item – Tartarian bush honeysuckle  1924 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1924 – H. 3. Tartarian bush honeysuckle, Beaverlodge, 1924.

0362.02.08.027 Item – Caraganas set out in 1916  1924 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1924 – H. 4. A couple of caraganas set out in 1916. Now over 10 feet high. Beaverlodge Station. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.08.028 Item – Common lilac in bloom  1924 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1924 – H. 5. Common lilac in bloom (Condorcet).

0362.02.08.029 Item – Effect of snow-water on lawn 1924 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1924 – H. 6. Effect of snow-water on lawn, 1924. Used in 1933 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 9.

0362.02.08.030 Item – New Red Dutch currants  1924 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1924 – H. 9(a). New Red Dutch currants. Yield 15 1/2 lb. per bush, Beaverlodge. Beaverlodge Experimental Station.

0362.02.08.031 Item – Home of A. P. Stevenson, Morden 1924 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1924 – H. 14. Home of late A. P. Stevenson, Morden, Manitoba. Apple trees in bloom. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 30.

0362.02.08.032 Item – Peonies grown at Beaverlodge  1924 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1924 – H. 15. Peonies grown at Beaverlodge, 1924 from roots planted in spring of 1923. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.08.033 Item – Six year’s change from growth of plantings 1918, 1924 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1918 [H] and 1924 – H. 16. Six years’ change from growth of plantings. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 69.

0362.02.08.034 Item – Using manure to hold snow moisture  1925 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1925 – H. 3. Using manure to hold snow moisture. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1932 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 97.

0362.02.08.035 Item – Darwin tulips 1925 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1925 – H. 5. A close-up of Darwin tulips. Used in 1932 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 99.

0362.02.08.036 Item – Flower and vegetable garden  1925 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1925 – H. 7. Flower and vegetable garden, August 1925. Beaverlodge Experimental Station. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.08.037 Item – Chinese lilac in bloom  1925 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1925 – H. 8. Chinese lilac in bloom. Bushes planted 1916. Now 9 and 10 feet high. Beaverlodge. Beaverlodge Experimental Station.

0362.02.08.038 Item – Peonies and flags in bloom  1925 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1925 – H. 10. Peonies and flags in bloom, third year from planting. Photographed by R. E. Leake.

0362.02.08.039 Item – Rock-walled flower bed  1925 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1925 – H. 15. A new rock-walled flower bed around Superintendent’s residence. Virginia creepers on wall. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.08.040 Item – Variety test garden corn  1925 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1925 – H. 16. Variety test garden corn. Banting in middle foreground. Used in 1935 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 104.

0362.02.08.041 Item – Ears of corn  1925 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1925 – H. 17. Ears of corn, Beaverlodge, 1925, 10” long, grained over 8” long. Used in 1932 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 116.

0362.02.08.042 Item – Perennial lavatera in bloom  1925 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1925 – H. 18. Perennial lavatera in bloom, August 1925. Planted spring of 1924. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.08.043 Item – Champa sandcherries  1925 1 lantern slide : b&w; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1925 – H. 21. Champa sandcherries, Beaverlodge 1925.

0362.02.08.044 Item – Raspberries laid down for winter protection  1925 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1925 – H. 23a. Raspberries laid down for winter protection.

0362.02.08.045 Item – Varieties of potatoes grown at Beaverlodge  1925 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1925 – H. 25. Varieties of potatoes grown at Beaverlodge 1925. Used in 1933 lecture as Pot. 3.

0362.02.08.046 Item – Varieties of white potatoes grown at Beaverlodge 1925 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1925 – H. 26. Varieties of white potatoes grown at Beaverlodge, 1925. Used in 1933 lecture as Pot. 4.

0362.02.08.047 Item – Saskatoon hedge in bloom  1926 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1926 – H. 1 [T. + S.]. Saskatoon hedge in bloom, Beaverlodge. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1937 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 43.

0362.02.08.048 Item – Bed of tulips 1926 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1926 – H. 7. Bed of tulips. Used in 1933 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 94.

0362.02.08.049 Item – Spirea arguta in bloom  1926 2 lantern slides : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1926 – H. 8. Spirea arguta (Snow garland) in bloom, May, 1926, planted 1916, Beaverlodge. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1935 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 70.

0362.02.08.050 Item – Peonies at Beaverlodge  1926 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1926 – H. 12. Peonies at Beaverlodge, 1926. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.08.051 Item – Siberian perennial lavatera  1926 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1926 – H. 13. Siberian perennial lavatera. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 88.

0362.02.08.052 Item – Hollyhocks blooming in September  1926 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1926 – H. 14. Hollyhocks blooming in September on outdoor-wintered roots, Beaverlodge. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.08.054 Item – White currants  1926 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1926 – H. 22. White currants at Beaverlodge, 1926. Yield 15lbs. 14oz. per bush (White Cherry). Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 65.

0362.02.08.055 Item – Tartarian honeysuckle in bloom  1927 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1927 – H. 1. Tartarian honeysuckle in bloom, June 25. Scotch pine on left. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.08.056 Item – Native saskatoons and native spruce  1927 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1927 – H. 2 [T. + S.] Native saskatoons and native spruce planted 1919. Photographed June, 1927 by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 37.

0362.02.08.057 Item – Chinese lilac 1927 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1927 – H. 3. Chinese lilac, 1927. Planted 1916. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1937 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 51.

0362.02.08.058 Item – A canary vine on a woodpile  1927 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1927 – H. 8. [F1.] A canary vine on woodpile, 1927. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 34.

0362.02.08.060 Item – General McArthur rose in bloom  1927 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1927 – H. 15. General McArthur rose in bloom. September 2, 1927. Planted 1927. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.08.061 Item – Vegetables grown at Beaverlodge Experimental Substation  1927 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1927 – H. 19. A collection of vegetables [grown at the Substation]. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.08.062 Item – Tartarian honeysuckle in full bloom  1928 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1928 – H. 4. Tartarian honeysuckle in full bloom, June 13. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 44.

0362.02.08.063 Item – General McArthur rose  1928 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1928 – H. 11. General McArthur rose, September 26. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.08.064 Item – Native Mountain Ash  1928 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1928 – H. 15. Native Mountain Ash transplanted from top of Saskatoon Mountain. Photo September 22. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.08.065 Item – A flowerbed  1928 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1928 – H. 17. A flower bed. Nasturtiums in foreground. Photographed by McDermid Studios. Used in 1935 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 90.

0362.02.08.066 Item – A flowerbed  1928 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1928 – H. 18 Flower bed, poppies in foreground. Photographed by McDermid Studios.

0362.02.08.067 Item – Hollyhocks in bloom  1928 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1928 – H. 19. Hollyhocks in bloom, September 28. Photographed by McDermid Studios. Used in 1935 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 95.

0362.02.08.068 Item – Row of Herbert raspberries in fruit  1928 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1928 – H. 21. Row of Herbert raspberries in fruit, September, 1928. Photographed by McDermid Studios. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 68.

0362.02.08.069 Item – Saskatoon hedge fruiting  1928 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1928 – H. 22. Saskatoon hedge fruiting, September. Photographed by McDermid Studios. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 41.

0362.02.08.070 Item – Manitoba wild plums  1928 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1928 – H. 23. Manitoba wild plums. Photographed in 1928 by McDermid Studios. Used in 1937 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 68.

0362.02.08.071 Item – Osman crab tree in bloom  1929 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1929 – H. 1. Osman crab tree in bloom, June 4, four years after planting. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.08.072 Item – Florence crabapple tree fruiting  1929 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1929 – H. 3. Florence crabapple tree fruiting in 1929. Planted 1926. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1933 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 87.

0362.02.08.074 Item – Spirea Van Houttei  1929 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1929 – H. 6. Spiraea Van Houttei, planted 1928 and covered with snowbanks in 1928-29. Used in 1935 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 71.

0362.02.08.075 Item – Georges Bellair Lilac in bloom  1929 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1929 – H. 9. Georges Bellair Lilac in bloom, June 23, 1929. Planted at Beaverlodge, 1916. Used in 1937 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 53.

0362.02.08.076 Item – Peonies in perennial border  1929 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1929 – H. 13. Peonies in perennial border, Beaverlodge, July 13, 1929. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1933 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 101.

0362.02.08.077 Item – Peonies blooming  1929 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1929 – H. 14. Peonies blooming, July 13. Festiva maxima. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 87.

0362.02.08.078 Item – Hugh Dickson rose  1929 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1929 – H. 15. Hugh Dickson rose. Planted 1927. Used in 1935 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 71 h.

0362.02.08.079 Item – Souvenir de Claudius Pernet rose 1929 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1929 – H. 16. Souvenir de Claudius Pernet rose (cream-coloured). Planted 1927. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 67.

0362.02.08.080 Item – Case of Herbert raspberries 1929 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1929 – H. 17. Case of Herbert raspberries, August, 1929. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 69.

0362.02.08.081 Item – East view of Albright house  1929 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1929 – H. 21. East view of Superintendent’s residence, September 10, 1929. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 72.

0362.02.08.082 Item – Osman crabapple tree in bloom  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1930 – H. 6. Osman crabapple tree in bloom, June 9. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1935 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 75.

0362.02.08.083 Item – Elderberry with fruit just formed  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1930 – H. 8. Elderberry with fruit just formed. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1932 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 77.

0362.02.08.085 Item – General McArthur rose  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1930 – H. 16. General McArthur rose. Planted 1927. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 60.

0362.02.08.086 Item – General McArthur rose  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1930 – H. 16. General McArthur rose; planted 1927. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1932 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 75.

0362.02.08.087 Item – Hansa roses in bloom  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1930 – H. 17. Hansa roses in bloom. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 56.

0362.02.08.088 Item – Perennial phlox  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1930 – H. 18. Perennial phlox. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 90.

0362.02.08.089 Item – Native Mountain Ash  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1930 – H. 19. Native Mountain Ash, September 9, 1930. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.08.090 Item – Van Houttei spiraea  1931 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1931 – H. 4 and 5. Van Houttei spiraea, 1931. Upper one protected with mound of earth over winter. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1935 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 71a.

0362.02.08.091 Item – Scotch pine affected with bark beetles  1931 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1931 – H. 8. Scotch pine affected with bark beetles. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1933 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 44.

0362.02.08.092 Item – Betty Bland rose in bloom  1931 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1931 – H. 10. Betty Bland rose in bloom. Received 1929 from C.E.F., Ottawa. Photographed July 8, 1931 by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 58.

0362.02.08.093 Item – Iris in bloom  1931 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1931 – H. 12. Iris in bloom, July 11. Variety Loreley, Mithras or Albert Victor? Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 85.

0362.02.08.094 Item – Pyrethrum blooming  1931 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L .1931 – H. 13. Pyrethrum blooming. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.08.095 Item – Delphinium in bloom  1931 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1931 – H. 15. Delphinium in bloom, July 11. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 86.

0362.02.08.096 Item – Golden elder  1931 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1931 – H. 16. Golden elder (Sambucus canadensis aurea), August 28. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 63.

0362.02.08.097 Item – Albright house 1931 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1931 – H. 18. Superintendent’s residence from the east, September 3, 1931. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 74 (1937).

0362.02.08.098 Item – Osman crabapple tree in fruit  1931 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1931 – H 19. Osman crabapple tree in fruit, 1931. Yield 10 1/2 lbs. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1932 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 92.

0362.02.08.099 Item – Florence crabapple trees in fruit  1931 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1931 – H. 25. Florence crabapple tree in fruit about September 9, bearing its second crop of 6lbs. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1932 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 93.

0362.02.08.100 Item – Rockery around Albright house foundation  1931 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1931 – H. 26. [Sundry] Rockery around house foundation, September 9. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 114.

0362.02.08.101 Item – Native Mountain Ash 1931 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1931 – H. 27. Native Mountain Ash, September 9. Transplanted 1921 from Saskatoon Mountain. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1935 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 64.

0362.02.08.102 Item – First two standard apples on Beaverlodge Station 1931 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1931 – H. 37. “Adam” and “Eve”. First two standard apples on Beaverlodge Station (Hibernal variety). September 23. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 74.

0362.02.08.103 Item – Curved driveway banked with shrubbery  1931 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1931 – H. 38. [Sundry]. Curved driveway banked with shrubbery. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 64.

0362.02.08.104 Item – Dominion Experimental Station, Beaverlodge  1931 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1931 – H. 39. Dominion Experimental Station, Beaverlodge, September, 1931. Panorama of lawns, buildings, etc. Photographed by R. E. Leake. Used in 1933 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 135.

0362.02.08.105 Item – Spiraea sorbifolia  1931 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1931 [Hort] Spiraea sorbifolia. Photo submitted by Foppe R. Ganzeveld, Buffalo Lake, 1931. Used in 1935 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 71b.

0362.02.08.106 Item – Orchard, etc. 1932 1 lantern slide ; colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1932 H. 7; B.L. 1932. H. 30. Orchard, etc., March 31 and September 5. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1933 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 141.

0362.02.08.107 Item – May Day tree in bloom  1932 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1932. H. 15. May Day tree in bloom on June 1, 1932. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1937 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 54.

0362.02.08.108 Item – Darwin tulips in bloom  1932 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1932 – H. 17. Darwin tulips in bloom on June 7, 1932. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 83.

0362.02.08.109 Item – Oriental spiraea in bloom  1932 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1932 – H. 18. Oriental spiraea. In bloom on June 7, 1932. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 55.

0362.02.08.110 Item – Scotch Rose in bloom  1932 1 lantern : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1932 – H. 19. Scotch rose in bloom latter part of June. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 57.

0362.02.08.111 Item – Harison yellow rose in bloom  1932 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1932 H. 20. Harison yellow rose in bloom July 2, 1932. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 59.

0362.02.08.112 Item – Agnes rose  1932 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1932 – H. 21. Agnes rose, July 2. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.08.114 Item – Variety test corn 1932 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1932 – H. 35. Specimen ears of corn grown in the variety test. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1935 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 105.

0362.02.08.115 Item – Most of the Station’s apple and crabapple crop  1932 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1932. H. 39. Most of the Station’s apple and crabapple crop, 138lb. 8oz. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 76.

0362.02.08.116 Item – Albright house  1932 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1932. H. 47. Superintendent’s Residence from East September 28. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 75.

0362.02.08.118 Item – Elderberry bush ripening fruit  1932 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1932. H. 47. Superintendent’s Residence from East September 28. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 75.

0362.02.08.119 Item – Varieties of onions grown at the Beaverlodge Experimental Substation  1932 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1932 – H. 57. Varieties of onions grown at Substation. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1935 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 99.

0362.02.08.120 Item – Interior of greenhouse  1933 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1933 – H. 4. [Sundry] Interior of greenhouse from the south door. April 12. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1935 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 97.

0362.02.08.121 Item – Prestoniae hybrid Lilac Francisca  1933 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1933 – H. 9. Prestoniae hybrid Lilac Francisca. Planted 1930. Photographed July 6 by W. D. Albright. Used in 1935 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 66.

0362.02.08.122 Item – Clumps of Saponaria ocymoides with dianthus in centre  1933 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1933 – H. 10. Clumps of Saponaria ocymoides with dianthus in centre, July 6, 1933. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1935 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 91.

0362.02.08.123 Item – Aster bed in bloom  1933 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1933 – H. 13. Aster bed in bloom, September 2. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1935 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 94.

0362.02.08.124 Item – Lawn, greenhouse and vegetable garden  1933 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1933 – H. 14. [Sundry] Lawn, greenhouse and vegetable garden September 2. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.08.125 Item – Native Mountain Ash on lawn in full bloom  1933 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1934. – H. 4. Native Mountain Ash on lawn in full bloom, June 1. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 46.

0362.02.08.126 Item – Wild honeysuckle bush in full bloom  1934 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1934 – H. 6. Wild honeysuckle bush in full bloom. Planted about 1918. Photographed June 7, 1934 by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 45.

0362.02.08.127 Item – Hydrangea in bloom  1934 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1934 – H. 11. [T. + S.] Hydrangea (Peegee) in bloom, September 1, 1934. Used in 1935 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 93.

0362.02.08.128 Item – Ruby rhubarb stalks  1934 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1934 – H. 14. Thirteen of the large stalks of Ruby rhubarb. Average height 25”. Average weight per stalk about 1lb. 14 oz. September 21. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 99.

0362.02.08.129 Item – Flower beds in front of the greenhouse  1935 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1935 – H. 5. Flower beds in front of the greenhouse, Sweet alyssum bordering beds of Harbinger Salvia in foreground. Dwarf Bedding Aster circular beds and Pink Gem Petunia immediately in front of Crimson Bedder Nicotiana. African Orange Daisies flanking dirt walk on extreme left. Photographed August 25 by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 93.

0362.02.08.131 Item – Hugh Dickson rose  1936 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1936 – H. 8. Hugh Dickson rose planted 1927 and blooming August 29 for tenth successive season. Photographed by J. H. Crossley. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 61.

0362.02.08.132 Item – Sweet corn and tomatoes  1936 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1936 – H. 9. Sweet corn and tomatoes, August 29. J. H. Crossley holding a basin of “Buza’s Earliest Dwarf.” Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 96.

0362.02.08.133 Item – Ryder’s Seedling dahlia of Coltness Gem type  1936 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1936 – H. 10. Ryder’s Seedling dahlia of Coltness Gem type, grown at Beaverlodge and proving extraordinarily floriferous. Photographed August 29 by W. D. Albright. Used in 1937 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 92A.

0362.02.08.134 Item – Preston hybrid lilac  1937 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1937 – H. 2. Preston hybrid lilac, June 22, (var. Francisca). Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 50.

0362.02.08.135 Item – Potted flowers in the greenhouse  1937 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B. L. 1937 – H. 7. Potted flowers in the greenhouse, August 20. Tuberous begonias (singles, doubles, crispa, cristata, and pendula types), double petunias, cannas, oxalis tropaeloides, oxalis Cloth of Gold, wishbone flower, nicotiana, cockscomb, Browallia major. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 98.

0362.02.08.136 Item – Vines of the N.D. Agric. Col. Tomato 216-2  1937 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L.1937 – H. 13. Two vines from Beaverlodge-grown seed of the N.D. Agric. Col. Tomato 216-2 after some ripe fruit had been already picked. Photographed September 4. Mature fruit 2-6/16” x 1-14/16”. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 97.

0362.02.08.137 Item – Native mountain ash on the Beaverlodge Experimental Substation lawn  1937 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1937 – H. 14. Native mountain ash on the lawn. Transplanted from Saskatoon Mountain, 1921. Photographed September 9 by J. H. Crossley. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 47.

0362.02.08.139 Item – European and native mountain ash trees 1937 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1937 – H. 20. European and native mountain ash raised from seed and growing east of the Experimental Building. The native is the low bushy shrub growing between the two taller Europeans, one only partly shown. Photographed September 16 by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 48.

0362.02.08.140 Item – May Day tree  1938 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1938 – H. 3. May Day Tree . Prunus Padus commutate, in full boom May 27. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 54.

0362.02.08.141 Item – Saskatoon hedge in bloom  1938 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1938 – H. 5. Saskatoon hedge in bloom. Planted July, 1918. Photo May 28. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 40.

0362.02.08.142 Item – Picardy gladioli  1938 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1938 – H. 13. Picardy gladioli, Sept. 18. Girl holding the best one, which faced from the light. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.08.143 Item – Charles X lilac  1939 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1939 – H. 2. Charles X lilac obtained from Western Nurseries, 1933, and photographed June 10, 1939 by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 51.

0362.02.08.144 Item – Marie Lemoine  1939 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1939 – H. 4. Marie Lemoine lilac received from Morden in 1929. Blooming June 13. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 52.

0362.02.08.145 Item – Chinese lilac and caragana  1939 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1939 – H. 7. Chinese lilac (Syringa villosa) and caragana west of Superintendent’s residence, June 23. Planted about 1924. Lilacs now 10 to 12 feet tall. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 49.

0362.02.08.146 Item – Lilac in bloom  1939 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1939 – H. 8. Lilac, Syringa Mandschurica (Bugnet, 1932), in bloom, July 9. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 53.

0362.02.08.147 Item – White Saskatoons  1939 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1939 – H. 13. A few remaining berries of a heavy crop of white saskatoons on bushes received from Western Nurseries, Brooks, Alberta, in autumn of 1928 and fruiting rather sparingly in most years since. Photographed August 24 by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 42.

0362.02.08.148 Item – Joanna Hill roses in bloom  1940 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1940 – H. 8. New planting of Joanna Hill roses in bloom, August 30. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 62.

0362.02.08.150 Item – Most of the Beaverlodge Substation’s 1940 crop of standard apples  1940 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1940 – H. 15. Most of the Substation’s 1940 crop of standard apples (excepting windfalls and a few samples). Ten standard trees representing 7 different varieties ripened 71lbs. of good-sized apples. One Hibernal tree, which bore its first two apples in 1931, has had a few nearly every year since, climaxing its record in 1940 with 35lb. crop picked Sept. 30; photographed Oct. 2. There were also 590lb. of crabapples besides a quantity of unnamed seedlings not weighed. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 78.

0362.02.08.151 Item – Transplanting an 11-foot spruce with a tractor  1941 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1941 – H. 1. Transplanting an 11-foot spruce with a tractor. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1942 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 55A.

0362.02.08.152 Item – Moving a spruce to a new site  1941 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L.1941 – H. 3. Transplanting spruce with a tractor. Tree being moved to new site. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1942 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 55B.

0362.02.08.153 Item – Spruce ready to be lowered into a new hole  1941 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1941 – H. 4. Spruce ready to be lowered into new hole. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1942 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 55C.

0362.02.08.154 Item – Colorado Blue Spruce  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[H.] A Colorado Blue Spruce. Ottawa slide. Slide provided by the Department of the Interior Natural Resources Intelligence Branch.

0362.02.08.155 Item – Tartarian honeysuckle  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[H] Tartarian honeysuckle. Ottawa slide. Slide provided by the Department of the Interior Natural Resources Intelligence Branch.

0362.02.08.156 Item – Tartarian honeysuckle  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[H] Tartarian honeysuckle. Ottawa slide. Slide provided by the Department of the Interior Natural Resources Intelligence Branch.

0362.02.08.157 Item – Basswood tree  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[H] A Basswood tree. Ottawa slide. Slide provided by the Department of the Interior Natural Resources Intelligence Branch.

0362.02.08.158 Item – Douglas Fir  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[H] Douglas Fir at Ottawa. Ottawa slide. Slide provided by the Department of the Interior Natural Resources Intelligence Branch.

0362.02.08.159 Item – Pine tree  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[H.] Pine tree. Ottawa slide. Slide provided by the Department of the Interior Natural Resources Intelligence Branch.

0362.02.08.160 Item – Birch tree  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[H.] Birch tree. Ottawa slide. Slide provided by the Department of the Interior Natural Resources Intelligence Branch.

0362.02.08.161 Item – Lombardy (?) poplar  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[H] Lombardy (?) poplar. Ottawa slide. Slide provided by the Department of the Interior Natural Resources Intelligence Branch.

0362.02.08.162 Item – Perennial phlox  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[H.] Perennial phlox. Ottawa slide. Slide provided by the Department of the Interior Natural Resources Intelligence Branch.

0362.02.08.163 Item – Flower border  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[H.] Flower border. Ottawa slide. Slide provided by the Department of the Interior Natural Resources Intelligence Branch.

0362.02.08.164 Item – A vine-covered arbour  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[H.] A vine-covered arbour. Ottawa slide. Slide provided by the Department of the Interior Natural Resources Intelligence Branch.

0362.02.08.165 Item – Gathering irises, etc.  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[H.] Gathering irises, etc. Ottawa slide. Slide provided by the Department of the Interior Natural Resources Intelligence Branch.

0362.02.08.166 Item – Delphinium  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[H] Delphinium. Ottawa slide. Slide provided by the Department of the Interior Natural Resources Intelligence Branch.

0362.02.08.167 Item – Irises  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[H] Irises. Ottawa slide. Slide provided by the Department of the Interior Natural Resources Intelligence Branch.

0362.02.08.168 Item – Hollyhocks  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[H] Hollyhocks. Ottawa slide. Slide provided by the Department of the Interior Natural Resources Intelligence Branch.

0362.02.08.169 Item – Sugar Maple  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Hort.] A Sugar Maple. Ottawa slide. Slide provided by the Department of the Interior Natural Resources Intelligence Branch. Used in 1935 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 51.

0362.02.08.170 Item – Japanese lilac tree  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Hort.] Japanese lilac tree. Ottawa slide. Slide provided by the Department of the Interior Natural Resources Intelligence Branch. Used in 1935 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 68.

0362.02.08.171 Item – Elm tree  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Hort. T. + S.] An elm tree. Ottawa slide. Slide provided by the Department of the Interior Natural Resources Intelligence Branch. Used in 1935 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 47.

0362.02.08.172 Item – Spiraea?  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[H] Spiraea? Ottawa slide. Slide provided by the Department of the Interior Natural Resources Intelligence Branch.

0362.02.08.173 Item – Common lilac  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[H] Common lilac. Ottawa slide. Slide provided by the Department of the Interior Natural Resources Intelligence Branch. Used in 1932 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 69.

0362.02.08.174 Item – Pergola  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[H.] Pergola. Ottawa slide. Slide provided by the Department of the Interior Natural Resources Intelligence Branch.

0362.02.08.175 Item – Caragana arborescens  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[H] Caragana arborescens. Ottawa slide. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 43.

0362.02.08.176 Item – Exhibits in the foyer during the Capitol Theatre’s Fourth Annual Rose Show ca. 1935 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Exhibits in the foyer during the Capitol Theatre’s Fourth Annual Rose Show.

0362.02.08.177 Item – Prize list of the Beaverlodge Rose Society  1937 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Prize List of the Beaverlodge Rose Society, 1937.

0362.02.08.178 Item – Methods of wintering roses  ca. 1935 1 lantern slide : b&w; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Diagrams and information on methods of wintering roses.

0362.02.09.01 Item – Albright home  1918 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1918 – Pan. View A. [Misc] Superintendent’s home in Grande Prairie. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 64.

0362.02.09.02 Item – Panoramic view of the Beaverlodge Substation, looking north 1921 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1921 – Pan. 15-16. [Misc.] Panoramic view, Beaverlodge Experimental Station, looking northward.

0362.02.09.03 Item – Exp. Building 1921 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 18. [Misc.] Exp. Building, erected 1920. Photographed 1921.

0362.02.09.04 Item – Picnic Day  1921 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 25. [Misc.] Picnic Day, August 5, 1921. Inspecting plots.

0362.02.09.05 Item – Metamorphosis of a log house 1  1921 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1921 – 50 [Misc.] 1. Metamorphosis of a log house (1921). Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 111 and in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 66.

0362.02.09.06 Item – Metamorphosis of a log house 2  1921 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1922 – 52 [Misc.] 2. Metamorphosis of a log house. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 112 and in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 67.

0362.02.09.07 Item – Metamorphosis of a log house 3  1921 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1922 – 53 [Misc.] 3. Metamorphosis of a log house. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 113 and in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 68.

0362.02.09.08 Item – Wild Duck  1922 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1922 – 65. [Misc.] Wild duck half-grown strayed into boarding house. Photographed by G.S. Moyer.

0362.02.09.09 Item – Mrs. Mary Thompson by her home  1924 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1924 – Misc. 6 (Mrs. Thompson). The late Mrs. Mary Thompson by her vine-clad home, Bear Lake, Grande Prairie district, 1924. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 54.

0362.02.09.10 Item – Mrs. Mary Thompson’s garden  1924 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1924 – Misc. 7. (MRS. THOMP) Mrs Mary Thompson’s garden. August, 1924.

0362.02.09.11 Item – Home of Mrs. Mary Thompson  1924 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1924 – Misc. 7a. Home of the late Mrs. Mary Thompson, Bear Lake, Grande Prairie district. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 21.

0362.02.09.12 Item – Apples in Mrs. Mary Thompson’s garden 1924 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1924 – Misc. 9. (MRS. THOMPSON) Apples in the late Mrs. Mary Thompson’s garden. Used in 1935 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 74.

0362.02.09.13 Item – Mrs. Mary Thompson’s garden  ca. 1924 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1924 (?) – Misc. Mrs. Mary Thompson’s garden.

0362.02.09.14 Item – Mrs. Mary Thompson’s house 1924 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1924 – Misc – ? Mrs. Mary Thompson’s house.

0362.02.09.15 Item – June snowbanks at Beaverlodge Experimental Substation  1924 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1926 – Misc. 1. Snow banks on experimental grounds, June 11, 1924, fourth day after commencement of storm. Used in 1933 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 12.

0362.02.09.16 Item – Experimental plots  1926 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1926 – Misc. 7. Experimental plots, Beaverlodge, 1926. Looking N.W. from top of silo.

0362.02.09.17 Item – Beaverlodge Experimental Substation  1926 1 lantern slide : b&w; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1926 – Misc. 11. Exp. Building, Superintendent’s residence and cattle sheds. September, 1926. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 70.

0362.02.09.18 Item – Albright children in front of a Siberian perennial lavatera  1926 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1926 – Misc. 12. Bruce, Gordon and Eileen in front of a Siberian perennial lavatera. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.09.19 Item – Scrub breaking  1926 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1926 – Misc. 17. Scrub breaking with four horses on bush breaker, C. F. Lossing, 1926. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 6.

0362.02.09.20 Item – A deserted homesteader’s shack  1926 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1926 – Misc. 19. A deserted homesteader’s shack. Roof garden only redeeming feature. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B.7.

0362.02.09.21 Item – Albright house  1927 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1927 – Misc. 1. View of house from east. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 115 and in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 71.

0362.02.09.22 Item – Experimental Station Buildings  1927 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1927 – Misc. 5. Experimental Station Buildings from S.E. September 9, 1927. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.09.23 Item – Beaverlodge Experimental Substation garden  1927 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1927 – Misc. 7. View of garden. Beaverlodge. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.09.24 Item – Albright house and lawn  1927 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1927 – Misc. 8. Lawn and Superintendent’s residence from silo. Beaverlodge valley in distance. September 7, 1927. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.09.25 Item – Pile of posts  1928 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1928 – Misc. 1. Pile of posts sharpened ready for driving.

0362.02.09.26 Item – Bruce Albright and his woodpile  1928 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1928 – Misc. 4. Bruce and his woodpile. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 35 and in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 61.

0362.02.09.27 Item – Albright house and lawn  1928 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1928 – Misc. 6. View of Superintendent’s house and lawn from silo. August 18, 1928. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.09.28 Item – Valhalla and Teepee Creek neighbourhood picnic  1928 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1928 – Misc. 8. Looking over garden on local picnic day (Valhalla and Teepee Creek neighbourhood picnic). Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1933 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 128.

0362.02.09.29 Item – Beaverlodge Experimental Substation grounds  1928 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1928 – Misc. 10. Buildings, lawn, shrubbery, etc. Photographed by McDermid Studios.

0362.02.09.30 Item – President E. W. Beatty and party 1928 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1928 – Misc. 10. President E. W. Beatty and party, Used in 1935 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 123.

0362.02.09.31 Item – Edmonton Board of Trade visit to Beaverlodge Experimental Substation  1928 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1928. – Misc. 11a. 425 people, July 28. Visit of Edmonton Board of Trade.

0362.02.09.32 Item – Orchard apiary and windbreak  1928 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1928 – Misc. 12. Orchard apiary and windbreak from top of silo.

0362.02.09.33 Item – Address by His Excellency Viscount Willingdon  1928 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1928 – Misc. 12a. His Excellency Viscount Willingdon, addressing company. Used in 1935 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 122.

0362.02.09.34 Item – Entertaining the Edmonton Board of Trade  1928 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1928 – Misc. 15a. Entertaining the Edmonton Board of Trade. Used in 1933 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 130.

0362.02.09.35 Item – View of lawn, house, orchard, and shelter belt  1929 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1929 – Misc. 19. Pan. a. b. View of lawn, house, orchard and shelter belt from silo, 1929. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.09.36 Item – Albright house  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1930 – Misc. 2. View of Superintendent’s Residence from the east. Beaverlodge. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 73.

0362.02.09.37 Item – Beaverlodge Experimental Substation grounds  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1930 – Misc. 3. Lawn hedge, hollyhocks, buildings, etc. September 11.

0362.02.09.38 Item – Experimental Substation staff  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1930 – Misc. 5. Experimental Substation staff, summer of 1930. Photographed by R. E. Leake. Used in 1932 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 1.

0362.02.09.39 Item – Valhalla and Riverside picnic  1932 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1932 – Misc. 1. Valhalla and Riverside picnic. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1933 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 129.

0362.02.09.40 Item – Substation staff  1932 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1932. Misc. 5. Sub-station staff. Photographed by R. E. Leake. Used in 1933 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 1.

0362.02.09.41 Item – Looking east from the Albright house  1932 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1932 Misc. 12. Looking East from Superintendent’s Residence September 1932. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1935 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 120.

0362.02.09.42 Item – Visit of Lord and Lady Bessborough at the Dominion Experimental Substation 1933 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1933 – Misc. 9A. Arrival of their Excellencies, Lord and Lady Bessborough at the Dominion Experimental Sub-station, August 10.

0362.02.09.43 Item – Albright house  1933 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1933. – Misc. 11a. Superintendent’s house from east, September 2. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 76.

0362.02.09.44 Item – Bedaux party 1934 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1934. – Misc. 3. Bedaux party showing the third, fourth and fifth of five Citroen trucks approaching Beaverlodge. July 12, 1934.

0362.02.09.45 Item – Visitors from DeBolt at the forage-crop field day 1934 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1934 – Misc. 6. Truck-load of DeBolt people at the forage-crop field day, Beaverlodge July 25, 1934.

0362.02.09.46 Item – P. R. Cowan demonstrating purity of wheat type at field day  1934 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1934. – Misc. 8. P. R. Cowan demonstrating purity of wheat type to crowd at elevator rest field day, August 18.

0362.02.09.47 Item – Albright house  1934 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1934 – Misc. 11. Superintendent’s Residence from the east, September 3. Photographed as W. D. Albright. Used in 1937 Homestead Days as H.D. 77.

0362.02.09.48 Item – Filling the concrete forms for new barn  1934 1 lantern slide : b&w; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1934 – Misc. Barn 4. Filling the concrete forms June 8, 1934, for Superintendent’s new barn. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 50.

0362.02.09.49 Item – Building the upper part of the water reservoir  1934 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1934 – Misc. Barn 6. Building the upper part of the concrete water reservoir, July 3, 1934. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 51.

0362.02.09.50 Item – Sawing pieces for barn rafters 1934 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1934 – Misc. Barn 7. Sawing 1 x 8 pieces to arc of a circle for rafters, July 5, 1934. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 52.

0362.02.09.51 Item – Erecting the barn rafters  1934 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1934. – Misc. Barn 8. Erecting the rafters (view from old stable), July 9. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 53.

0362.02.09.52 Item – Completed barn  1934 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1934 – Misc. Barn 12. Completed barn from south-west, August 25. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 54 and in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 81.

0362.02.09.53 Item – Albright house  1935 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1935 – Misc. 11. Superintendent’s residence from the east. Camera in path through hedge. Photographed August 27 by W. D. Albright. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture by H.D. 78.

0362.02.09.54 Item – Albright house 1936 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L .1936 – Misc. 12. House from the east by northeast, August 25. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 73.

0362.02.09.55 Item – Visit of Ignatieff party from Eastern Canada  1937 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1937. – Misc. 1. Ignatieff party of 37, chiefly students from Toronto and Montreal, along with a few leaders, visiting the Substation on July 6. Count Nicholas Ignatieff in charge. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1937 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 4 and in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 3.

0362.02.09.56 Item – Address of Hon. J. G. Gardiner at Cereal field day  1937 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1937 – Misc. 8. Hon. J. G. Gardiner, Dominion Minister of Agriculture addressing a crowd of 400 or more at the Cereal field day. Stars and Stripes flying as an international courtesy in honour of Dr. H. B. Humphrey. Photograph taken R. E. Leake. Used in 1937 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 5 and in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 4.

0362.02.09.57 Item – Albright house  1937 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1937 – Misc. 11. Superintendent’s house from the northeast, August 20. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 116 and in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 80.

0362.02.09.58 Item – Clipped roadsides in front of the Dominion Experimental Substation 1939 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1939 – Misc. 18 1/2. Clipped roadsides in front of the Dominion Experimental Substation. Beaverlodge, August 22. Mowing twice a year has fairly well subdued the wild barley except on one hard, dry hillside where it cannot be clipped short enough to prevent seeding and where other grasses compete to ill advantage. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 118.

0362.02.09.59 Item – Fencing at the Beaverlodge Experimental Substation  1939 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1939 – Misc. 42. A section of rabbit fence board panel fence erected along C. I. Panels set on windward side of posts. Cleats project to permit raising the 5’ fence by one board if necessary, Photographed week ending November 25 by W. D. Albright. Used in 1940 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 80.

0362.02.09.60 Item – Christmas afternoon  1939 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1939 – Misc. 55. Christmas Afternoon. “December gently blew a rimy breath, And feath’ry phantasy of white did weave; Ethereal beauty every bush endowed; And knit a fairy gown for Christmas Eve. Next day King Sol rode through a cloudless sky; Bedecked the down with diamonds dazzling-bright; All Christmas Day celestial beauty reigned. The moon, resplendent, rode through jewelled night.” Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture by B. 119.

0362.02.09.61 Item – Snow drifts 1940 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1940 – Misc. 1. Beaverlodge snow drifts spaced two or three feet from tight board fence, showing how snow swirls away from the bottom of such a tight fence. Photographed March 25 by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 81.

0362.02.10.02 Item – Map of Mackenzie District  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Mack.] Map of Mackenzie District. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 2.

0362.02.10.03 Item – Map of Mackenzie District  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Mack.] Map of Mackenzie District.

0362.02.10.04 Item – Map of Mackenzie River Basin  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Mack.] Map of Mackenzie River Basin. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 1.

0362.02.10.06 Item – A river scape and cloud effect  1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack. 1930. Misc. 1. A river scape and cloud effect. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 15.

0362.02.10.07 Item – River scenery from the air 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack. 1930 – Misc. 2. River scenery from the air. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 16.

0362.02.10.08 Item – Aklavik Roman Catholic Mission Potato Garden  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack. 1930 Aklavik. 1. Roman Catholic Mission Potato Garden at Aklavik, N.W.T., July 11. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.10.09 Item – [Indigenous Girls at Aklavik Roman Catholic Mission] Original Title: Native girls at Aklavik Roman Catholic Mission  July 11, 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Image shows a group of Indigenous girls posing outside at the Roman Catholic Mission in Aklavik, Northwest Territories. The caption written on the slide says: “Mack. 1930 Aklavik 2 – Native girls at R.C Mission, July 11.” The photograph was taken by W. D. Albright and it was used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 63.

0362.02.10.10 Item – Land and water scape in the Mackenzie Delta  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack. 1930 Aklavik 3. Land and water scape in the Mackenzie Delta. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 66.

0362.02.10.12 Item – A “Coney” (Inconnu) fish of Aklavik  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack. 1930. – Aklavik 5. A “Coney” (Inconnu) fish of Aklavik, July 13. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 64.

0362.02.10.13 Item – Fog hanging over ice in the Arctic Ocean  1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack. 1930 – Aklavik 6. Fog hanging over ice in the Arctic Ocean, July, 1930. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 67.

0362.02.10.14 Item – Aklavik, N. W. T.  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Mack Aklavik] Aklavik, N.W.T. June, 1930. Photographed by K. M. Cooke. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 61.

0362.02.10.15 Item – All Saints’ Hospital, Aklavik  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Mack. Aklavik] All Saints’ Hospital, Aklavik, North West Territories. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 65.

0362.02.10.16 Item – Trapper’s cabin in Mackenzie River  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Mack. Aklavik] Trapper’s cabin in Mackenzie River, 35 miles south-east of Aklavik. Photographed by Kost.

0362.02.10.18 Item – Home of Thomas Woodman  1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack. 1930 Chip 1. Home of Thomas Woodman. Photograph taken in the dormant season. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 14.

0362.02.10.19 Item – Wild Buffalo, Wood Buffalo Park  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Mack. Fitz] Wild Buffalo, Wood Buffalo Park. Alberta. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 19.

0362.02.10.20 Item – Fort Fitzgerald looking north ca. 1930 2 lantern slides : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Mack. Fitz.] Fort Fitzgerald looking north (A. 2566-29 Fitzgerald, Alberta). Photograph provided by the R.C.A.F. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 20.

0362.02.10.21 Item – Steve Yanik between rod-row tests of wheat and oats, Fort Fitzgerald 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack. 1930 – Fitz. 1a. Mack. 1930 – Fitz. 1b. Steve Yanik between rod-row tests of wheat and oats, July 19 (top) and July 3 (bottom). Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 22.

0362.02.10.22 Item – Home of Steve Yanik, Fort Fitzgerald  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack. 1930 – Fitz. 2. Home of Steve Yanik, Fort Fitzgerald, July. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 23.

0362.02.10.23 Item – Chas. Hilker in field of tame hay, Fort Fitzgerald  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack. 1930 – Fitz. 3 and 4. Chas. Hilker in field of tame hay (brome or timothy) July 5. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 17.

0362.02.10.25 Item – All stages of transportation, Fort Fitzgerald  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack. 1930 – Fitz. 6. All stages of transportation, July 22, 1930. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 21.

0362.02.10.27 Item – Rev. Father Michel in potato garden, Fort Good Hope  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack. 1930 Ft. Good Hope 1. Rev. Father Michel in potato garden, July 13. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 54.

0362.02.10.28 Item – Rev. Father Michel in Mission garden, Fort Good Hope  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack. 1930 Ft. Good Hope. 2 July 14th, 1930. Rev. Father Michel in Mission garden. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 56.

0362.02.10.29 Item – Potatoes in Mission garden, Fort Good Hope  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack. 1930. – Good Hope 3. Potatoes, Mission garden, morning, July 14, 1930. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.10.30 Item – Potatoes at Roman Catholic Mission, Fort Good Hope  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack. 1930 Good Hope 4. Potatoes at Roman Catholic Mission, July 14, Left, old garden. Right, spring-broken. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 55.

0362.02.10.31 Item – Fort Hope, N. W. T.  ca.1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Mack. Ft Good Hope] A. 2644-48. Fort Hope, N.W.T. Photograph provided by the R.C.A.F.

0362.02.10.33 Item – Eldorado Kitchen Garden, Great Bear Lake  1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack. 1932 Gr. Bear 2. Eldorado Kitchen Garden. Soil for garden was carried in sacks. Vegetables were grown summer, 1932. Photograph possibly taken by Mr. Michaels. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 51.

0362.02.10.35 Item – Mouse-proof cache at Hay River  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack, 1930. Hay River 1. Mouse-proof cache at Hay River. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 36.

0362.02.10.36 Item – Hay River  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack. 1930 – Hay River 2. Hay River from a windmill tower, July 6. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 35.

0362.02.10.38 Item – Herschel Island 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Mack Herschel Island] Herschel Island, Yukon Territory, July, 1930. Photographed by K. M. Cooke. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 69.

0362.02.10.39 Item – Siberian ice  1930 1 lantern : colour : 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Mack. Herschel Island] Siberian ice taken in Arctic, July, 1930. Photographed by K. M. Cooke.

0362.02.10.41 Item – William and Miss Gordon in their garden, Fort McMurray  1930 1 lantern : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack. 1930 McM. 2. William and Miss Gordon in their garden. Marrowfat peas 36” average height, one stalk 42”, July 2, 1930. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 3.

0362.02.10.42 Item – William and Miss Gordon in their garden, Fort McMurray  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack. 1930 McM. 3. Wm. and Miss Gordon in their garden. July 23. Marrowfat peas averaging 5’ tall. Some plants 6’. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 4.

0362.02.10.43 Item – William and Miss Christina Gordon, Fort McMurray 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack. 1930 – McM. 4. William and Miss Christina Gordon, Fort McMurray, July 23 or 24. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.10.44 Item – William Gordon in his turnip patch, McMurray 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack. 1930 – McM. 5. William Gordon in his turnip patch on July 24. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 6.

0362.02.10.45 Item – William Gordon in his potato field, McMurray  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack. 1930 McM. 6. William Gordon in his potato field, July 24. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 7.

0362.02.10.47 Item – Mrs. G. S. Watt in potato garden, Fort McMurray  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack. 1930 – McM. 8. Mrs. G. S. Watt in potato garden on land broken in 1930. July 24, 1930. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.10.48 Item – Dwarf peas in Angus Sutherland’s garden, Fort McMurray 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack 1930. McM. 9. Dwarf peas in garden of Angus Sutherland, July 23. Average height about 4’. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 5.

0362.02.10.49 Item – C. Pott’s flower garden, Fort McMurray  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack. 1930 – McM. 10. C. Potts’ flower garden, July 23. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 12.

0362.02.10.50 Item – C. Pott’s garden, Fort McMurray  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack. 1930. – McM. 11. Glimpse of C. Potts’ garden. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 10.

0362.02.10.51 Item – Garden golf on C. Pott’s lawn, Fort McMurray  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack. 1930 McM. 12. Garden golf on lawn of C. Potts, July 23, 1930. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 11.

0362.02.10.52 Item – [A Teepee, Fort McMurray]  July 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Image shows a close us of a teepee through the trees. The caption written on the slide says “Mack. 1930 – McM. 15. An Indian teepee, Fort McMurray, July, 1930. Photographed by W. D. Albright.”

0362.02.10.53 Item – Home of Pat Ryan, Fort McMurray 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack. 1930 McM. 16. Home of Pat Ryan, Fort McMurray, July 23. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 9.

0362.02.10.54 Item – Col. J. K. Cornwall in Northern Traders’ garden, Fort Norman 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack. 1930 – Norman 1. Col. J. K. Cornwall in Northern Traders’ garden, July 10. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 49.

0362.02.10.55 Item – [Dog Chained at Fort Norman]  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Image shows a dog changed to a small post. The caption written on the slide says “Mack. 1930 Norman 2. An Indian’s dog chained at Fort Norman. W.D.A” Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 48.

0362.02.10.56 Item – Fort Norman, N. W. T. ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Mack. Fort Norman] A. 2572-102. Fort Norman, N.W.T. Photograph provided by the R.C.A.F. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 46.

0362.02.10.57 Item – Oil well near Norman, N. W. T.  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Mack. Norman] Oil well near Norman, N.W.T. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 47.

0362.02.10.58 Item – Fort Resolution, N. W. T. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Mack. Resolution] Fort Resolution, N.W.T. June,1930. Photographed by K. M. Cooke. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 33.

0362.02.10.59 Item – Seedling apple trees at Fort Resolution  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Mack Resolution] Seedling apple trees at Fort Resolution. In 1930 enough fruit produced to make 20lbs jam. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 34.

0362.02.10.60 Item – Sawmill near Resolution, N. W. T. ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Mack. Resolution] Sawmill near Resolution, Great Slave Lake, N.W.T.

0362.02.10.61 Item – Potatoes at Roman Catholic Mission, Fort Simpson  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack. 1930. Simpson 1a. Potatoes at Roman Catholic Mission planted May 20. Photo July 7. Staked plant measured 10 3/4 inches. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 38.

0362.02.10.62 Item – Potatoes at Roman Catholic Mission, Fort Simpson 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack 1930. Simpson 1b. Potatoes at R. C. Mission, July 17. Staked plant measured 21 1/2” on July 14; 24” on July 17. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 39.

0362.02.10.63 Item – Home of Rev. C. F. Clarke, Fort Simpson  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack. 1930. Simpson 2. Home of Rev. C. F. Clarke, Fort Simpson, July 7. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 41.

0362.02.10.64 Item – Potato garden of Rev. C. F. Clarke, Fort Simpson  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack. 1930 – Simpson 3. Potato garden of Rev. C. F. Clarke, Anglican Missionary, July 7. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 40.

0362.02.10.65 Item – Mrs. J. Gifford and daughter, Fort Simpson 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack. 1930 – Simpson 4. Mrs. J. Gifford and daughter, July 7. Tomato plants in gasoline cans. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 42.

0362.02.10.66 Item – [Dog Chained to Stake at the Waterfront, Fort Simpson] July 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Image shows a dog sitting beside a stake. The caption written on the slide says “Mack. 1930 – Fort Simpson 5. An Indian’s dog chained to a stake at the waterfront, July, 1930. Photo by W. D. Albright.”

0362.02.10.67 Item – John W. Goodall in his potato garden, Fort Simpson  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack. 1930. Simpson 6. John W. Goodall in his potato garden, July 8. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 43.

0362.02.10.68 Item – Fort Simpson, N. W. T. ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Mack. Fort Simpson] A. 2568-99. Fort Simpson, N.W.T. Photograph provided by the R.C.A.F. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 37.

0362.02.10.69 Item – Netted Gem potatoes, Fort Simpson  1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Mack. Simpson] Netted Gem potatoes (tops) September 19, 1930. Photographed by J. W. Goodall, Fort Simpson. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 44.

0362.02.10.71 Item – Wheat crop at Roman Catholic Mission, Fort Smith 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack. 1930 – Smith 2. Wheat crop at Roman Catholic Mission, July 4. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 28.

0362.02.10.73 Item – Conibear home, Fort Smith  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack. 1930 – Smith 4. Mr. and Mrs. Conibear’s home, July 4. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 30.

0362.02.10.75 Item – Barns on Ryan Bros.’ Ranch, Fort Smith  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack. 1930 – Ft. Smith. 6. Barns on Ryan Bros.’ Ranch, July 4, 1930. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.10.77 Item – Wall signs in Joe Lanouette’s Restaurant, Fort Smith ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Mack. Smith] Wall signs in Joe Lanouette’s Restaurant, Fort Smith, N.W.T. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 26.

0362.02.10.78 Item – Haymaking on Slave River  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Mack. Smith] Haymaking on Slave River. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 31.

0362.02.10.79 Item – Vegetable garden of William Clarke, Thunder River 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack. 1930 – Thunder River 1. Vegetable garden of William Clarke, July 13. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 58.

0362.02.10.80 Item – William Clarke in his garden, Thunder River  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack. 1930. – Thunder River 2. William Clarke in his garden, July 13. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 57.

0362.02.10.82 Item – Flora covered rock  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Mack. 1930 Wrigley 1. Rock 1200 feet high, covered with flora. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 45.

0362.02.10.84 Item – Caribou crossing a lake in Northern Quebec  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Caribou crossing a Lake in Northern Quebec. (L.S. 18). Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 52.

0362.02.10.86 Item – White heather ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

White heather on Northern Plains. Used in To The Arctic By Air lecture as Mack. 70.

0362.02.11.01 Item – J. D. Albright home, Beamsville, Ontario  1913 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Pers. 1913. Home of J. D. Albright, Beamsville, Ontario, 1913. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.11.02 Item – Gordon Moyer with a package and Eileen and Bruce Albright with Christmas cake ca. 1915 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Pers. 10. Gordon Moyer opening a box from home. Eileen and Bruce Albright holding Christmas cake. [In Pioneer album]. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 44.

0362.02.11.03 Item – Albright family churning  ca. 1915 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Pers. 15. The family churning. W. D. Albright, Eileen and Bruce about 1915 or 1916. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 43.

0362.02.11.04 Item – Albright family  1921 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 63a. [Personal] Superintendent and family [1921 Station album].

0362.02.11.05 Item – Albright children  ca. 1923 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1923 (?) Personal. Bruce, Eileen and Gordon Albright. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright

0362.02.11.06 Item – Gordon Albright and Towser 1924 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Personal] 1924. Gordon Albright and Towser, 1924. Photograph taken by John Fixter. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 120.

0362.02.11.07 Item – J. D. Albright home, Beamsville, Ontario  1927 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1927 – P. 4. Vine-clad home of J. D. Albright, Beamsville, Ontario. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 12.

0362.02.11.08 Item – Dinner party at Uncle Dan’s 1934 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1934 – Pers. 9. (Personally-owned slide) Dinner party at Uncle Dan’s, January 12, 1934 [1934 Station album]. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1935 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 15.

0362.02.12.01 Item – Lebeueen’s stopping place  1913 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Pioneer Series 1. Lebeueen’s stopping place on the Grouard-Peace-River trail mid-October, 1913. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 35.

0362.02.12.02 Item – Mrs. Albright, Eileen Albright, and R. C. Lossing on Grouard Trail 1913 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Pion. Ser. 4. Mrs. Albright, young daughter, and father on Grouard Trail, mid-October, 1913. Used in 1935 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 6.

0362.02.12.03 Item – Mrs. Albright and R. C. Lossing on Grouard Trail  1913 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Pioneer Series 5. Mrs. Albright and her father on the Grouard Trail, October 1913. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 36.

0362.02.12.04 Item – Moving the portable steam engine of the Beaverlodge Industrial Co. Ltd. ca. 1914 2 lantern slides : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Pioneer Series – 28. Moving the portable steam engine of the Beaverlodge Industrial Co. Ltd. Freighted in from Edson in 1914, this engine was used for threshing, gristing and sawing wood. It is still in use in 1929. Photograph taken by W. D. Albright. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 42.

0362.02.12.05 Item – R. C. Lossing’s homestead ca. 1920 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Pion. Ser. 47. R. C. Lossing’s homestead and script buildings.

0362.02.12.06 Item – Lake Saskatoon ca. 1920 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Pioneer Series. Lake Saskatoon. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 53.

0362.02.12.07 Item – Cartoon of the Carrell boys ca. 1935 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Pioneer Series – A. 1. How the Carrell boys came to Beaverlodge. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 8.

0362.02.12.08 Item – Winter travel  ca. 1920 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Pioneer Series – A. 2. Going to meeting in winter time. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 12.

0362.02.12.11 Item – Oxen pulling a democrat buggy  ca. 1920 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Pioneer Series A. 7. “Nig” and “Rock” on democrat. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 41.

0362.02.12.12 Item – Darcy Gaudin at I. E. Gaudin’s first store ca. 1920 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Pioneer Series – A. 9. Darcy Gaudin at I. E. Gaudin’s first store north east of 36-71-10 W6th. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 32.

0362.02.12.13 Item – O. H. “Rutabaga” Johnson and his rutabagas ca. 1920 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Pioneer Series – A.10. The late O.H. (”Rutabaga”) Johnson and his rutabagas. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 30.

0362.02.12.14 Item – Horses helping oxen on the Edson Trail  ca. 1915 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Pioneer Series A. 11. Charlie McNaught on the Edson Trail. Snatch team of horses helping a four-up of oxen. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 28.

0362.02.12.15 Item – Old Beaverlodge School ca. 1920 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Pioneer Series – A. 12. Old Beaverlodge School. First public school in Grande Prairie District. Erected 1911. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 62.

0362.02.12.16 Item – Girls playing tug-of-war ca. 1920 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Pioneer Series – A. 13. Girls’ tug-of-war, Beaverlodge. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 13.

0362.02.12.17 Item – Older girls playing ball  ca. 1920 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Pioneer Series – A. 13 1/2. The older girls playing, too. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 14.

0362.02.12.19 Item – Leaving Edmonton with a threshing outfit  ca. 1920 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Pioneer Series – A. 15. Leaving Edmonton with the first threshing outfit for Beaverlodge district. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 27.

0362.02.12.20 Item – One of the first cars to come into the Peace under its own power  ca. 1920 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Pioneer Series – A. 16. The second? car to come into the Peace under its own power. (A. M. Bezanson). Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 29.

0362.02.12.21 Item – Beaverlodge Darktown Minstrels 1925 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Pioneer Series A. (Duplicate) Beaverlodge Darktown Minstrels, 1925.

0362.02.12.22 Item – Christmas concert at Beaverlodge School  1925 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Pioneer Series A. Christmas concert, 1925. Beaverlodge school.

0362.02.12.23 Item – Christmas concert at Beaverlodge High School 1927 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Pioneer Series A. Christmas Concert, Beaverlodge High School. 1927.

0362.02.12.24 Item – Jackpine Wood Camp on Little Slave River  ca. 1910 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Pioneer Series – D. C. Cranston 7. The group at the Jackpine Wood Camp on Little Slave River. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 19.

0362.02.12.25 Item – The Bull Outfit’s first upset on the trail  1909 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Pioneer Series – D. C. Cranston 9. The first upset experienced by the “Bull Outfit” on the trail. Mr. R. C. Lossing had a wagon with a 14’ reach and though an experienced teamster he was the first to tip over. It was learned that baled hay rides better on top of the load and hardware in the bottom. Those shown are J. M. (Mac.) Miller, Geo. Flint, Elias Smith, Wm. Crabbe and Mr. Lossing. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 22.

0362.02.12.26 Item – Woodcutters at Shaw Point  1909 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Pioneer Series – D. C. Cranston – 13. Wood cutters at Shaw Point, 1909. D. C. Cranston loading, E. A. Smith, boss. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 20.

0362.02.12.27 Item – Beaverlodge baseball team  ca. 1910 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Pioneer Series – D. C. Cranston. 16. One of the Beaverlodge baseball teams. Order, left to right, J. O. Johnson, Marley Sherk, “Pinky” Newgord, Homer Jaque, Ralph Carrell, Herman Bieler, Percy Lee, Harry Cranston, Ed. Heller, Herman Riedrich, Hugh W. Allen. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 16.

0362.02.12.28 Item – The Bull Outfit at Mac. Miller’s home  ca. 1910 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Pioneer Series – D. C. Cranston. 30. The “Bull Outfit” at Mac. Miller’s first home. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 24.

0362.02.12.29 Item – O. H. Johnson’s first home and store  ca. 1910 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Pioneer Series – D. C. Cranston 34. O. H. Johnston’s first home and store, Stoney Point. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 31.

0362.02.12.30 Item – Beaverlodge baseball team  1912 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Pioneer Series – D. C. Cranston 36. Beaverlodge Baseball Team, 1912. Standing Victor Burt, Herman Riedrich, H.W. Allen, Dave McLellan, and Jack Waller. Sitting: D. C. Cranston, Willie Pierce, Harry Cranston, Marley Sherk, Russ Walker. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 15.

0362.02.12.31 Item – Second annual sports day at Lake Saskatoon ca. 1910 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Pioneer Series – D. C. Cranston 42. Second annual sports day at Lake Saskatoon. The first burro to come to the Peace. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 17.

0362.02.12.32 Item – Bull Outfit members looking for land at Beaverlodge 1909 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Pioneer Series – D. C. Cranston 43. Members of “Bull Outfit” looking for land on arrival Beaverlodge, 1909. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 26.

0362.02.13.001 Item – Transcendent crabapple trees near Athabasca 1931 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1931 – Gen. 7. [Athabasca] Pair of Transcendent crabapple trees, orchard of the Watsons, Colinton, near Athabasca, June, 1931. 1 1/2 boxes per tree. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 73.

0362.02.13.002 Item – Dr. and Mrs. G. Turesson and Dr. Kirk on the Athabasca ferry  1934 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1934 – Gen. Athabasca 1. Dr. and Mrs. G. Turesson and Dr. Kirk on the Athabasca ferry, July 28, 1934. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.13.003 Item – Sweet-clover hay field near Athabasca  1934 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1934. – Gen. Athabasca 2. Sweet -clover hay field of I. Bausman, west of Athabasca, July 29, 1934. Bausman one of the early advocates of sweet clover in his district and was cutting large acreage with binder for hay. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 31.

0362.02.13.004 Item – Crowds enjoying J. W. Abbott’s hospitality 1939 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1939 – Gen. Bald. 5. Eighty-five or 90 victims of speechmaking and sight-seeing refreshed by J. W. Abbott’s hospitality, August 3. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.13.005 Item – Header-barge outfit and barge stacks on the M. L. Prentiss farm, Bear Lake 1933 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Top – 1933 – Gen. Bear Lake 1. Barge stacks in field of M. L. Prentiss, September 9. Bottom – 1933 – Gen. Bear Lake 5. Header-barge outfit on farm of M. L. Prentiss, G. Prairie. September 9. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1937 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 29 and in 1935 Cereals lecture as C. 10.

0362.02.13.008 Item – Wheat stooks in the Beaverlodge valley 1927 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1927 – G. 6. (B.L.) A mile and a half of wheat stooks in Beaverlodge valley. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.13.009 Item – Wheat crop in Beaverlodge valley 1927 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1927 – G. 10. (B.L.) Wheat crop in Beaverlodge valley looking north east toward Beaverlodge. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.13.010 Item – Wheat in the Beaverlodge valley  1927 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1927 – G. 12. A mile and a half of wheat in the Beaverlodge valley, 1927. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.13.011 Item – Construction train steaming past old town of Beaverlodge  1928 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[1928 – Gen. B.L.] Construction train steaming past old town of Beaverlodge, 1928. Photographed by R. E. Leake. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 45.

0362.02.13.012 Item – Beaverlodge townsite  1928 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1928. G. 7 – + G. 8. [Gen. B.L.] Beaverlodge townsite, August 19 and August 26.

0362.02.13.013 Item – Beaverlodge townsite  1928 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1928 – G – 8a + 8b. [Gen. B.L.] Beaverlodge townsite, September 23 (construction camp) and October 6. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.13.014 Item – Beaverlodge 1928 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1928 – G. 8d. [Gen. B.L.] Beaverlodge from. S. W. of 1-72-10. November 24.

0362.02.13.017 Item – Track-laying train south of Experimental Substation 1928 2 lantern slides : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1928. – G (resembling 16) [Gen. B.L.] Track-laying train south of Experimental Substation, Wembley-Hythe extension, November 21, 1928.

0362.02.13.018 Item – Beaverlodge  1928 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[1928 Gen. B.L.] Beaverlodge, 1928. Photographed by R. E. Leake.

0362.02.13.019 Item – Beaverlodge  1928 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[1928 Gen. B.L.] Beaverlodge, 1928. Photographed by R. E. Leake.

0362.02.13.020 Item – Field of Garnet wheat on Bagnall farm  1928 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[1928, – Gen. B.L.] Field of Garnet wheat on Bagnall’s farm, 1928. Photographed by McDermid Studios. Possibly used in Field Husbandry lecture as H. 2.

0362.02.13.021 Item – W. J. Caldwell’s field of Victory oats  1929 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1929 – Gen. – 8. [B.L.] Field of Victory oats, W. J. Caldwell, Beaverlodge, 1929. Yield 112 bushels per acre. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1935 Cereals lecture as C. 16.

0362.02.13.022 Item – Field of Banner oats on W. D. Albright homestead 1929 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1929 – G. 19. Pan. a.b. Field of Banner oats on homestead of W. D. Albright, 1929. Estimated yield 90 bushels per acre. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1935 Cereals lecture as C. 15.

0362.02.13.023 Item – Freight train leaving Beaverlodge 1929 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1929 – Gen. 24. Freight training pulling out past six elevators, Beaverlodge, August, 1929. Photographed by R. E. Leake. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 47.

0362.02.13.024 Item – Beaverlodge School  1929 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1929 [Gen. B.L.] Beaverlodge school, November 29, 1929.

0362.02.13.025 Item – Beaverlodge School  1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[1930 Gen. B.L.] Beaverlodge School, 1930. Photographed by R. E. Leake. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 63.

0362.02.13.026 Item – C. O. Pool’s field of Garnet wheat  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1930 – G. 8. C. O. Pool’s field of Garnet wheat, 1930. 48 bushels per acre. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1935 Cereals lecture as C. 5.

0362.02.13.027 Item – Dominion Experimental Station, Beaverlodge  1931 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1931 Album – under Gen. [B.L.] Dominion Experimental Station, Beaverlodge, 1931. Photographed by R. E. Leake.

0362.02.13.029 Item – Soil drifting south of the Beaverlodge Substation  1938 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1938 – Gen. Beaverlodge 1. A bad case of soil drifting half a mile south of the Beaverlodge Substation. From field to the west about 2 inches of soil had blown off. Silt lying a foot deep on the highway grade and extending 8 rods across prairie to leeward. Most of the drifted field… Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 10.

0362.02.13.030 Item – Gulch gouged out where a roadside ditch falls to the Beaverlodge River 1938 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1938. Gen. Beaverlodge 3. Gulch 8 or 10 feet deep gouged out in a few years where a roadside ditch falls to the Beaverlodge River, Photo May 27, 1938. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 15.

0362.02.13.032 Item – Berwyn Hospital  1937 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1937 – Gen. Berwyn 1. The Berwyn Hospital, September 19. Front facing west. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 61.

0362.02.13.033 Item – Farmstead of August Biegel, Bluesky  1931 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1931 – Gen. 32. [Bluesky] Farmstead of August Biegel, Bluesky, Alberta. Barn and new house erected 1930 and old log house erected by Eddie Dodge. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 19.

0362.02.13.034 Item – Brandon Experimental Farm  1890 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. Brandon] Brandon Experimental Farm, 1890.

0362.02.13.035 Item – Brandon Experimental Farm  1900 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[1900 – Gen. Brandon] Brandon Experimental Farm, 1900. Used in 1933 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 36.

0362.02.13.036 Item – Brandon Experimental Farm 1923 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. Brandon] Brandon Experimental Farm 1923. Used in 1935 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 39.

0362.02.13.037 Item – Squash, pumpkins, citron and marrows, Brandon Experimental Farm ca. 1935 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. Brandon] Heap of squash, pumpkins, citron and marrows. Citrons on vines in foreground. Brandon Experimental Farm.

0362.02.13.038 Item – Spruce hedge, Brandon Experimental Farm  ca. 1935 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. Brandon] Spruce hedge at Brandon Experimental Farm. Used in 1935 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 59.

0362.02.13.039 Item – Plums, Brandon Experimental Farm ca. 1935 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. Brandon] Plums at Brandon Exp. Farm.

0362.02.13.040 Item – Buffalo Lake visitors  ca. 1925 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[1925 Gen. Buffalo Lake] Buffalo Lake visitors behind Siberian perennial lavatera (probably 1925).

0362.02.13.041 Item – Some toppy whitefaces, Buffalo Lake  1934 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1934. – Gen. Buffalo Lake 1. Some toppy whitefaces fed in the spruce bluff by Engel Ganzeveld, May 7, 1934. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 17.

0362.02.13.042 Item – R. E. Henderson home, Buffalo Lake ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. Buffalo Lake] Home of R. E. Henderson, Buffalo Lake. Slide produced from a submitted snapshot.

0362.02.13.044 Item – Corner of Allan Mercer’s home near Clairmont  ca. 1935 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. Clairmont] A corner of Allan Mercer’s home near Clairmont, Alberta. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 22.

0362.02.13.045 Item – Log house of B. T. and J. S. Gray, Crooked Creek  1933 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1933 – Gen. Crooked Creek. 1. Log house of B. T. and J. S. Gray. Crooked Creek, Alberta, August 16. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.13.046 Item – Dawson Creek  1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1930 – Gen. 9 [DAWSON CR] Dawson Creek, B.C., December 29, 1930.

0362.02.13.047 Item – Crowd gathered for driving of the Golden Spike at Dawson Creek  1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1930 – Gen. 10. [DAWSON CR] Crowd assembled, December 29, 1930, at Dawson Creek, B.C. at the driving of the Golden Spike celebrating completion of track laying on Hythe – Dawson Creek extension. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 48.

0362.02.13.048 Item – Ready to drive the Golden Spike at Dawson Creek  1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1930 – Gen. 13 [D.C.] Ready to drive the Golden Spike at Dawson Creek, December 29, 1930. Frank de Wetter with hammer, Knudson with case. Mrs. Chase ready to receive and hold spike. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 49.

0362.02.13.050 Item – Farm home and shelter belt, Donnelly  1932 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1932. Gen. Donnelly 1. Attractive farm home and shelter belt. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1937 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 24.

0362.02.13.051 Item – Marquis and Reward in stook in A. B. Belanger’s variety test plots, Dreau  1931 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1931 – Gen – Dreau 1. A. B. Belanger’s variety test plots, 1931. Marquis and Reward in stook. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1933 Cereals lecture as C. 23.

0362.02.13.052 Item – Volunteer field of sweet clover on Dreau Illustration Station 1936 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1936 – Gen. Dreau 2. Volunteer field of sweet clover on Dreau Illustration Station, August 5. Field 15. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 43.

0362.02.13.055 Item – Hollyhocks from spring-sown seed, Peace River  1931 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1931 – Gen. Early 4. Hollyhocks from spring-sown seed, September 25. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1933 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 107.

0362.02.13.056 Item – Seed ears of Sixty-Day Makegood sweet corn, Peace River  1931 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1931 – Gen. – Early 5. Seed ears of Sixty-Day Makegood sweet corn, 6” to 8” long, J. B. Early, Peace River. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1935 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 103.

0362.02.13.057 Item – Shocking corn on J. B. Early’s farm, Peace River  1931 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1931 – Gen. Early 6. Shocking corn on irrigated farm of J. B. Early, Peace River, Alta. Sept. 25. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 95.

0362.02.13.058 Item – A schoolboy’s home-made cart at Elmworth  1934 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1934 – Gen. Elmworth 3. A schoolboy’s home-made cart at Elmworth, June 20.Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 10.

0362.02.13.059 Item – Reward wheat crop in rotation test, Fairview  1931 1 lantern slide : b&w; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1931 [Gen] Fairview 1 + 2. Reward wheat crop in rotation test on the farm of Alex. McKenzie, Fairview, 1931. Used in 1933 Cereals lecture as C. 6.

0362.02.13.060 Item – Crowd at Fairview Field Day  1933 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1933 – Gen. Fairview 5. Crowd at Fairview Field Day, August 14. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.13.061 Item – Manqum terrace, Fairview  1937 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1937 – Gen. Fairview 1. Manqum terrace just completed on the farm of Alex. McKenzie, Fairview, Alberta, on June 1. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 18.

0362.02.13.062 Item – Home of Maxim Gervais, Falher 1931 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1931 – Gen. 10. [Falher] Home of Maxim Gervais, Falher, Alberta. June 16, 1931. Used in 1937 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 22.

0362.02.13.063 Item – Building used as the old Clifford store at Flying Shot Lake  1933 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1933 – Gen. Flying Shot 2. Building used as the old Clifford store at Flying Shot Lake. Photo October 7, 1933. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 52.

0362.02.13.064 Item – Just across the Cutbank river ford, Fort St. John  1927 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Ft. St. John – 1927 – 5. [CUTBANK] Just across the Cutbank river ford. Banks five or six hundred feet high.

0362.02.13.065 Item – J. W. Abbott in alfalfa, Fort St. John  1927 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Ft. St. J. – 1927 – 8. J. W. Abbott in five and a half acres of alfalfa in rows for seed, 1927. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1933 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 4.

0362.02.13.066 Item – Car loaded on ferry, Fort St. John  1927 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Ft. St. J. 1927 -10. Car loaded on ferry.

0362.02.13.067 Item – Examining alfalfa roots for nodules, Fort St. John  1929 2 lantern slides : b&w and colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in. and 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Ft. St. J. 1929 – 2. Field Day at Fort St. John Illustration Station, 1929,. Examining alfalfa roots for nodules. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.13.068 Item – Ferry at Taylor’s Flats, Fort St. John  1929 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Ft. St. J. 1929 – 5. Ferry at Taylor’s Flats. D. W. Taylor standing. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.13.070 Item – Taylor’s Flats, Fort St. John  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Ft. St. John 1930 -1. Taylor’s Flats, Fort St. John. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in lecture as H. 4.

0362.02.13.072 Item – Marquis wheat field, North Pine, Fort St. John district  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Fort St. J. 1930 – 6. [North Pine] Marquis wheat field belonging to Chas. Thompson, North Pine, Fort St. John district. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.13.073 Item – Banner and regular Victory oats, Baldonnel Illustration Station  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Ft. St. J. 1930 – 12. Banner and regular Victory oats, Illustration Station, Baldonnel, B.C. August 8, 1930. Used in 1933 Cereals lecture as C. 4.

0362.02.13.074 Item – Quarter-acre blocks of Garnet and Marquis, Baldonnel Illustration Station  1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Ft. St. J. 1930 – 13. Quarter-acre blocks of Garnet and Marquis, Illustration Station, Baldonnel, B.C. August 8, 1930. Used in 1933 Cereals lecture as C. 5.

0362.02.13.075 Item – Brainard stopping place  1931 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1931 – Ft. St. J. – 1. (BRAINARD) Brainard stopping place, Brainard, Alberta. Used in 1935 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 22.

0362.02.13.076 Item – Native forest at Taylor’s Flats, Fort St. John  1931 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1931 – Ft. St. J. – 2. Native forest at Taylor’s Flats, B.C. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1935 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 5.

0362.02.13.077 Item – Ready for picnic supper at Baldonnel field day 1931 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1931 – Ft. St. J. – 4. Ready for picnic supper at Baldonnel field day, August 12.

0362.02.13.078 Item – J. W. Abbott in alfalfa  1931 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Fort St. John 1931 -16. J. W. Abbott in five and a half acres alfalfa in rows for seed, 1931. Seeded 1927. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 22.

0362.02.13.079 Item – Only juvenile competitor in the 1931 Fort St. John ploughing match  1931 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1931 – Ft. St. J. 22. The only juvenile competitor in the 1931 Fort St. John ploughing match drawing his finishing farrow with a sulky plough. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 7.

0362.02.13.080 Item – Field-day group after supper  1936 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1936 – Gen. Fort St. John 3. Field-day group after supper. Posed south of J. W. Abbott’s new house, August 14, 1936. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.13.081 Item – Abbottand Gibson reviewing the rod-row cooperative cereals plots at Baldonnel  1937 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1937 – Gen. Ft. St. John 6. Messrs. Abbott and Gibson reviewing the rod-row cooperative cereal plots at Baldonnel, July 30. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1937 Cereals lecture as C. 37.

0362.02.13.082 Item – Bert Lawrence in wheat plots at Fort Vermilion Sub-station 1932 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1932 Gen Ft. V. 7. Bert Lawrence in wheat plots at Fort Vermilion Sub-station. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1933 Cereals lecture as C. 24.

0362.02.13.083 Item – Home of Sheridan Lawrence, North Vermilion  1932 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1932. Ge. Ft. V. 13. Home of Sheridan Lawrence, North Vermilion, Alberta. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 32.

0362.02.13.084 Item – Woodshed at home of Sheridan Lawrence, North Vermilion 1932 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1932 – Gen. Ft. V. 15. Woodshed at the home of Sheridan Lawrence. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 33.

0362.02.13.085 Item – Home of Mr. Patterson, Gladstone, Manitoba ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. Gladstone] Home of Mr. Patterson, Gladstone, Manitoba. Used in 1933 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 11.

0362.02.13.086 Item – Backyard of Mr. Patterson’s home, Gladstone, Manitoba ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. Gladstone] Backyard of Mr. Patterson’s home. Used in 1932 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 20.

0362.02.13.087 Item – Balanced road gate on farm of Jos. Diederich, Glen Leslie 1933 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1933 – Gen .G. Les. 2. Balanced road gate on farm of Jos. Diederich, Glen Leslie, Alberta, June 23, 1933. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 46 (1941) and in 1934 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 24 .

0362.02.13.088 Item – Mrs. Mary Thompson of Grande Prairie  1921 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1921 – 19. (G.P.) [ Gen. G.P.] Mrs. Mary Thompson of Grande Prairie, who developed a wonderful garden on the shores of Bear Lake, and was the first person to ripen apples in the Peace River region.

0362.02.13.089 Item – Grande Prairie from Richmond Hill  1932 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1932 [Gen. G.P.] Grande Prairie from Richmond Hill. Photographed by R. E. Leake. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 4.

0362.02.13.090 Item – Grande Prairie ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. G.P.] Grande Prairie. Photographed by R. E. Leake.

0362.02.13.091 Item – Gothic-roofed barn of Martin H. Anderson, Grande Prairie 1934 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Gen. Grande Prairie 1934. Gothic-roofed barn of Martin H. Anderson, Grande Prairie, Alberta. Erected in 1929. Used in 1937 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 35.

0362.02.13.092 Item – Interior view of Martin Anderson’s mow 1934 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1934. – Gen. G. P. 3. Interior view of Martin Anderson’s mow, showing hay fork load on track, February 21, 1934. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1937 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 36.

0362.02.13.093 Item – Turkey Red winter wheat on Frank White’s farm, Halcourt  1928 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1928. [Gen. Halcourt] Turkey Red winter wheat on farm of Frank White, Halcourt. Yield 44 bushels per acre. Photographed by McDermid Studios. Used in 1935 Cereals lecture as C. 7,

0362.02.13.094 Item – Six-foot gulley with tributaries on Cage farm, southwest of Halcourt  1938 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1938 – Gen. Halcourt 1. Six-foot gulley with tributaries, cut through what had been a nice, smooth field of black soil on farm of Mr. Cage, southwest of Halcourt. The havoc dates practically from the summer flood of 1935. Photographed May 27, 1938 by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 13.

0362.02.13.095 Item – Six-foot gulley with tributaries on Cage farm, southwest of Halcourt  1938 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1938 – Gen. Halcourt 2. Six-foot gulley with tributaries, cut through what had been a nice, smooth field of black soil on farm of Mr. Cage, southwest of Halcourt. The havoc dates practically from the summer flood of 1935. This view taken looking toward spot from which 1 was taken. Photographed May 27, 1938 by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 14.

0362.02.13.096 Item – Home of Frank Pottage, High Prairie 1931 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Gen. 1931 – 13. [High Prairie] Home of Frank Pottage, High Prairie, Alberta. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 26.

0362.02.13.097 Item – Mr. L. M. Godfrey demonstrating to a field day crowd, High Prairie  1936 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1936 – Gen. High Prairie 1. Mr. L. M. Godfrey demonstrating to a field day crowd on the Illustration Station plots, August 3. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1937 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 43.

0362.02.13.098 Item – Field Day crowd listening to Dr. L. H. Newman 1937 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1937 – Gen. High Prairie 2. Field Day crowd listening to Dr. L. H. Newman in the co-operative rod-row test of cereals at the High Prairie Illustration Station, August 13. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1937 Cereals lecture as C. 36.

0362.02.13.099 Item – Peace River Canyon, Hudson’s Hope  ca. 1935 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. Hudson Hope] Peace River Canyon (G. A. James).

0362.02.13.100 Item – Goething’s coal mine, Hudson’s Hope ca. 1935 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. Hudson Hope] Goething’s coal mine, Hudson’s Hope, B.C. Also known as Gething coal mine.

0362.02.13.101 Item – Indian Head Forest Nursery Station in the beginning  ca. 1905 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. I.H] Indian Head Forest Nursery Station in the beginning. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 38.

0362.02.13.102 Item – View of main driveway looking S. W., Indian Head  1914 2 lantern slides : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. Indian Head] View of main driveway looking S.W. in 1914. Bare prairie in 1904. Forest Nursery Station, Indian Head, Saskatchewan. (Film No. N. 551). Used in 1935 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 50.

0362.02.13.103 Item – Ornamental grounds and lawns, Indian Head 1914 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Gen. Indian Head. Ornamental grounds and lawns in early summer of 1914. Superintendent’s residence, Forest Nursery Station, Indian Head, Saskatchewan. (Film No. N548). Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 39.

0362.02.13.104 Item – Lawns and ornamental arrangement in front of Superintendent’s residence, Indian Head 1922 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Gen. – Indian Head. Lawns and ornamental arrangement in front of Superintendent’s residence at Forest Nursery Station, Indian Head, Saskatchewan. Bare prairie in 1904. Photo in 1922. (Film No. 16058).

0362.02.13.105 Item – Plantings small, Indian Head ca. 1910 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. Indian Head] Indian Head Forest Nursery Station. Plantings small. Used in 1932 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 48.

0362.02.13.106 Item – Plantings grown, Indian Head ca. 1920 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. I H.] Indian Head Forest Nursery Station. Plantings grown. Used in 1933 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 41.

0362.02.13.108 Item – Knuckling pig, A. Johnson farm, Beaverlodge 1940 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1940 – Gen. J. 1. Knuckling pig on farm of A. Johnson, Beaverlodge, May 3. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 46.

0362.02.13.109 Item – Pig with hump on back, A. Johnson farm, Beaverlodge  1940 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1940 – Gen. J. 4. Pig with hump on back on farm of A. Johnson, Beaverlodge, May 3. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 47.

0362.02.13.110 Item – Grounds and pumphouse of W. L. McKillop, Kinuso 1932 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1932 Gen. Kinuso 1. Grounds and pumphouse of W. L. McKillop. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 29.

0362.02.13.112 Item – Plum hedge in bloom, Morden  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. Morden 1] Native in Canada Plum hedge (lady) in bloom in mid-May. Gives beauty, shelter, and fruit. Morden Experimental Station, Manitoba. Used in lecture as M. 1.

0362.02.13.113 Item – Selection of plants, Morden  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. Morden 2] Pergola with hardy vines, clematis, tangutica, ligust, cifolia, native grape, native hop, bittersweet, Virginia creeper, etc. Morden Experimental Station, Manitoba. Used in lecture as M. 2.

0362.02.13.114 Item – Spiraea Vanhouttei, Morden ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. Morden 3] Spiraea Vanhouttei. Morden Experimental Station, Manitoba. Used in lecture as M. 3.

0362.02.13.115 Item – Hibernal apple – low-headed, Morden ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. Morden 4] Hibernal apple – low-headed. Morden Experimental Station, Manitoba. Used in lecture as M. 4.

0362.02.13.116 Item – Apple harvest, Morden ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. Morden 5] Apple harvest, chiefly Hibernal, Patten Greening and Wealthy (2 men). Morden Experimental Station, Manitoba. Used in lecture as M. 5.

0362.02.13.117 Item – Elkhorn crab in bloom, Morden ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. Morden 6] Elkhorn crab in bloom. A very vigorous grower. Morden Experimental Station, Manitoba. Used in lecture as M. 6.

0362.02.13.118 Item – Apiary from honey house, Morden ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. Morden 7] Apiary from honey house. Bees a blessing to orchard. Morden Experimental Station, Manitoba. Used in lecture as M. 7.

0362.02.13.119 Item – Low-heading of hybrid apple tree, Morden  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. Morden 8] Low-heading of hybrid apple tree. Morden Experimental Station, Manitoba. Used in lecture as M. 8.

0362.02.13.120 Item – Low-heading of Hibernal grown in group of 4, Morden  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. Morden 8] Low-heading of hybrid apple tree. Morden Experimental Station, Manitoba. Used in lecture as M. 8.

0362.02.13.121 Item – Branch of a Morden seedling apple tree in fruit, Morden  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. Morden. 10] Branch of a Morden seedling apple tree in fruit (Antonovka, the mother parent). Morden Experimental Station, Manitoba. Used in lecture as M. 10.

0362.02.13.122 Item – Melons and tomatoes, Morden  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. Morden 11] Melons and tomatoes. Mulch paper verses control. Morden Experimental Station, Manitoba. Used in lecture as M. 11.

0362.02.13.123 Item – Morden at lilac time  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. Morden 12] Morden at lilac time. Morden Experimental Station, Manitoba. Used in lecture as M. 12.

0362.02.13.124 Item – Lilac Rothmogensis, Morden  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. Morden 13] Lilac Rothmogensis. Very prolific. Fine leaf. Morden Experimental Station, Manitoba. Used in lecture as M. 13.

0362.02.13.125 Item – Main drive towards town in late May, Morden  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. Morden 14] Main drive towards town in late May, showing charm of curving lines. Morden Experimental Station, Manitoba. Used in lecture as M. 14.

0362.02.13.126 Item – Harvesting apples from seedling apple orchard, Morden  1929 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. Morden 15] Harvesting apples from seedling apple orchard, 1929. Trees set in 1916, 150 bushels in lug – boxes. Morden Experimental Station, Manitoba. Used in lecture as M. 15.

0362.02.13.127 Item – Looking along seedling apple orchard in bloom season, Morden  1926 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. Morden 16] Looking along seedling apple orchard in bloom season, late May, 1926. Morden Experimental Station, Manitoba. Used in lecture as M. 16.

0362.02.13.128 Item – Hoadley apple seedling in bloom, Morden  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. Morden 17] Hoadley apple seedling in bloom. Morden Experimental Station, Manitoba. Used in lecture as M. 17.

0362.02.13.129 Item – Hibernal being picked, Morden  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. Morden 18] Hibernal being picked. A rugged fruitful tree. Morden Experimental Station, Manitoba. Used in lecture as M. 18.

0362.02.13.130 Item – Antonovka, mother of apple seedlings, Morden  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. Morden 19] Antonovka, a splendid mother of hardy apple seedlings. Morden Experimental Station, Manitoba. Used in lecture as M. 19.

0362.02.13.131 Item – Picking apples at Morden  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. Morden 20] Picking apples at Morden, Manitoba. Morden Experimental Station, Manitoba. Used in lecture as M. 20.

0362.02.13.132 Item – Perennial border, Morden  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. Morden 21] Perennial border, Morden Experimental Station, Manitoba. Used in lecture as M. 21.

0362.02.13.133 Item – General view of Morden Experimental Station  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. Morden 22] General view Morden Experimental Station from elevators in neighbouring town. Used in lecture as M. 22.

0362.02.13.134 Item – Morden Experimental Station  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. Morden] Morden Experimental Station. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 31.

0362.02.13.135 Item – E. W. Hibbard’s log home, Nampa 1933 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1933 – Gen. Nampa. 2. E. W. Hibbard’s log home. October 11. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 18 and in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 57.

0362.02.13.138 Item – Alfalfa field of Carl Berg, Pipestone Creek  1939 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1939 – Gen. Pipestone Creek 1. Alfalfa field of Carl Berg, Pipestone Creek, south of Wapiti, on very grey soil, taken June 28. Standing Mr. Bliss, J. L. Kerns, and W. S. Scarth. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Forage Crops lecture as F.C. 27.

0362.02.13.139 Item – Pail-fed calves on Norman D. Dow’s farm  1931 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Gen. 1931 Pouce Coupe. 1. Half a dozen thrifty pail-fed calves on farm of Norman D. Dow, Pouce Coupe, B.C., October 16, 1931. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.13.140 Item – N. D. Dow’s home and garden, Pouce Coupe  1933 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1933 – Gen. P.C. 1. N. D. Dow’s home and garden from south, August 12, 1933. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 17 and in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 58.

0362.02.13.141 Item – Purebred Yorkshire shoats of Norman D. Dow, Pouce Coupe  1934 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1934 – Gen. P.C. 2. Purebred Yorkshire shoats of Norman D. Dow, Illustration Station Operator, Pouce Coupe, B.C. Born in February, pen-fed and photographed June 29 when less than five months old. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 35.

0362.02.13.144 Item – Crowd following Dr. L. H. Newman at Illustration Station field day on Norman D. Dow’s farm  1936 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1936 – Gen. Pouce Coupe 1. Crowd following Dr. L. H. Newman in the elevator-test plots at Illustration Station field day on farm of Norman D. Dow, August 18, 1936. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1935 Cereals lecture as C. 35.

0362.02.13.145 Item – Straight water runway seeded with crested wheatgrass, Norman D. Dow’s farm, Pouce Coupe 1938 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1938 – Gen. Pouce Coupe 1. Straight water runway seeded with crested wheatgrass and carrying water harmlessly along a slope on farm of Norman D. Dow. Photographed May 29, 1938 by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 17.

0362.02.13.146 Item – Teir-footed woodpile on farm of M. L. Prentiss, Grande Prairie  1939 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1939 – Gen. Prentiss 1. Neat teir-footed wood pile on farm of M. L. Prentiss, Grande Prairie, Alberta, July 15. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 36.

0362.02.13.147 Item – Various trees and bushes, Rathwell ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. Rathwell] Wm. Shepherd, Rathwell. Manitoba Manitoba maple; different kinds of lilac; and caraganas.

0362.02.13.148 Item – Field of Abundance oats in stook, Rio Grande  1928 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1928 [Gen. Rio Grande] Field of Abundance oats in stook, E. Duteao, Rio Grande, 1928. Yield over 100 bushels per acre. Photographed by McDermid Studios.

0362.02.13.149 Item – Berger Bolin’s second carlot with their winter shelter, Rio Grande  1934 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1934. – Gen. Rio Grande 1. Berger Bolin’s second carlot with their winter shelter, May 4. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 15.

0362.02.13.150 Item – Berger Bolin’s second carlot, Rio Grande  1934 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1934. – Gen. Rio Grande 3. Berger Bolin’s second carlot with covered meal bin, self-feeding troughs alongside and rack for roughage, May 4. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 16.

0362.02.13.151 Item – Home of Nick Woronuk, Roycroft  1932 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1932 Gen. Roycroft 1. Home of Nick Woronuk, July, 1932. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 25.

0362.02.13.152 Item – A heifer calf, Sexsmith  1934 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1934 – Gen. Sexsmith 1. A heifer calf from a dual purpose Shorthorn bull used by Oscar Foster, Sexsmith. May 7, 1934. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 7.

0362.02.13.153 Item – A cull in the herd of J. B. Foster, Sexsmith  1934 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1934 – Gen. Sexsmith 2. The wrong kind of a feeder. A cull in the herd of J. B. Foster, Sexsmith, May 7, 1934. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 18.

0362.02.13.154 Item – Farm home of J. B. Foster, Sexsmith  1936 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1936 – Gen. Sexsmith 2. Farm home of J. B. Foster, Sexsmith, Alberta, September 3. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 20.

0362.02.13.155 Item – Roman Catholic Mission at Shaftesbury Settlement  1922 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1922 – 58 [Gen. Shaftesbury Settlement] Roman Catholic Mission at Shaftesbury Settlement. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.13.156 Item – Kochia in the garden of Mrs. F. J. Mann, Shaftesbury Settlement  1931 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1931 – Gen. – 29. [Shaftesbury Settle.] Kochia in the garden of Mrs. F. J. Mann, Shaftesbury Settlement, near Peace River. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1935 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 98.

0362.02.13.160 Item – R. A. Williams’ home, Spirit River  1929 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1929 – G. 20 [Spirit River] R. A. Williams’ home, Spirit River, 1929. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1932 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 33.

0362.02.13.161 Item – Poultry yard and house of R. A. Williams, Spirit River  1929 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1929 – G. 22 [Spirit River] Poultry yard and house of R. A. Williams, Spirit River, Alberta. Tamped clay floors in house. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.13.163 Item – Valhalla Creamery picnic  1934 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1934. – Gen. Valhalla 1. A few of the 500 picnickers outside the hall on the occasion of the Valhalla Creamery picnic, August 14. Photographed by W. D. Albright.

0362.02.13.164 Item – Bent-twig flower-bed protector, Valleyview 1933 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1933 – Gen. Valleyview 1. Bent-twig flower-bed protector. Home of A. Lindquist, Valleyview, Alberta, June 20, 1933. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 82 and in the 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 55.

0362.02.13.165 Item – Ballantyne pier, Vancouver Harbour  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. Vancouver Harbour] Ballantyne pier, five ships at berth. Vancouver Harbour. Used in lecture as V. 1.

0362.02.13.166 Item – S.S. “Prince Rupert City,” Vancouver Harbour ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

V. 2. S.S. “Prince Rupert City,” a new liner. Vancouver Harbour. Used in lecture as V. 2.

0362.02.13.167 Item – Burrard Drydock, North Vancouver  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

V. 3. Burrard Drydock, North Vancouver. Used in lecture as V. 3.

0362.02.13.168 Item – Alberta butter going to the United Kingdom, Vancouver Harbour ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

V. 4. Alberta butter going to the United Kingdom by the Panama Canal. Vancouver Harbour. Used in lecture as V. 4.

0362.02.13.169 Item – New Type Vessel for European-British Columbia Service, Vancouver Harbour ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

V. 5. New Type Vessel for European-British Columbia Service. Vancouver Harbour. Used in lecture as V. 5.

0362.02.13.170 Item – B. C. fish for the Orient, Vancouver Harbour ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

V. 6. B. C. fish for the Orient. Vancouver Harbour. Used in lecture as V. 6.

0362.02.13.171 Item – Flour for the Orient, Vancouver Harbour  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

V. 7. Flour for the Orient. Vancouver Harbour. Used in lecture as V. 7.

0362.02.13.172 Item – Canadian Pacific Railway Piers and Station, Vancouver Harbour ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

V. 8. Canadian Pacific Railway Piers “A” “B” “C” “D” and Station. Vancouver Harbour. Used in lecture as V. 8.

0362.02.13.173 Item – Steamer inaugurating new service to Australia, Vancouver Harbour ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

V. 9. Steamer inaugurating new service to Australia. Vancouver Harbour. Used in lecture as V. 9.

0362.02.13.174 Item – Entrance to Port of Vancouver  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

V. 10. Entrance to Port of Vancouver. Signal Station. Used in lecture as V. 10.

0362.02.13.175 Item – Aeroplane view of the business portion of the City of Vancouver ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

V. 11. Aeroplane view of the business portion of the City of Vancouver. Used in lecture as V. 11.

0362.02.13.176 Item – View of Waterfront, Port of Vancouver  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

V. 12. View of Waterfront, Port of Vancouver. Used in lecture as V. 12.

0362.02.13.177 Item – Shipping lumber and grain, Vancouver Harbour ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

V. 13. Shipping lumber and grain. Vancouver Harbour. Used in lecture as V. 13.

0362.02.13.178 Item – Grain Elevators, Vancouver  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

V. 14. Grain Elevators, Vancouver. Used in lecture as V. 14.

0362.02.13.179 Item – Alberta Pool Elevator, Vancouver Harbour  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

V. 15. Alberta Pool Elevator. Capacity 5,150,000 bushels. Vancouver Harbour. Used in lecture as V. 15.

0362.02.13.180 Item – Canadian Pacific Railway Station and Pier “D”, Vancouver  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

V. 16. Canadian Pacific Railway Station and Pier “D”, Vancouver. Used in lecture as V. 16.

0362.02.13.181 Item – Group of elevators, Vancouver Harbour ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

V. 17. Group of elevators, Vancouver Harbour. Storage capacity, 4,150,000 bushels. Used in lecture as V. 17.

0362.02.13.182 Item – Home of J. J. Baker, Wanham  1935 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen. Wanham] Home of J. J. Baker, Wanham, Alberta. Used in 1935 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 20.

0362.02.13.183 Item – Neat gang-ploughing of ryegrass sod, W. Watson, Wembley  1928 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1928 – G. 6 [Wembley] Neat gang-ploughing of ryegrass sod, W. Watson, Wembley. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1932 Field Husbandry lecture as F.H. 2.

0362.02.13.184 Item – Garnet wheat, A. Sherk and Sons, Wembley 1929 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1929 – G. 13. [Wembley] Garnet wheat, A. Sherk and Sons, Wembley, Alberta. Phosphate test farther side of field.

0362.02.13.185 Item – Home of Marley Sherk, Wembley 1931 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

B.L. 1931 – Gen. 20. [Wembley] Home of Marley Sherk of A. Sherk and Sons, Wembley, Alberta. August 9, 1931. Used in 1937 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 23 and in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 59.

0362.02.13.186 Item – Boys’ and Girls’ Calf Club Class exhibited and judged at field day  1933 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1933 – Gen. Wembley 1. Boys’ and Girls’ Calf Club Class exhibited and judged at the Field Day on Alex Craig’s farm, June 24, 1933. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 11 and in 1934 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 10.

0362.02.13.187 Item – A few matrons in the Shorthorn herd of Alex Craig, Wembley 1935 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1935 – Gen. C. 15. [Wembley] A few matrons in the Shorthorn herd of Alex Craig, Wembley, Alberta. Photographed by W. D. Albright. Used in 1941 Animal Husbandry lecture as A.H. 19.

0362.02.13.188 Item – Westvale school  1932 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

1932 – [Gen. Westvale] Westvale school. Used in Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 48.

0362.02.13.189 Item – Home with cobblestone facings  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen.] Attractive Home with cobblestone facings. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 10.

0362.02.13.190 Item – Home with vines  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen.] Same place with vines. Slide provided by Department of the Interior Natural Resources Intelligence Branch. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 14.

0362.02.13.191 Item – Farm home  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen.] Another unattractive farm home. Slide provided by Department of the Interior Natural Resources Intelligence Branch. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 15.

0362.02.13.192 Item – Farm home with vines  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen.] Same place with vines. Slide provided by Department of the Interior Natural Resources Intelligence Branch. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 16.

0362.02.13.193 Item – A Wisconsin farm home  ca. 1930 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Gen.] A Wisconsin farm home. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 11.

0362.02.14.04 Item – Canadian flag song  ca. 1935 1 lantern slide : colour ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Song] Canadian Flag. Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 1 (1941) and in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 1.

0362.02.14.05 Item – “Darling Nellie Gray” song lyrics ca. 1933 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Song] Darling Nellie Gray. Used in 1933 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 50.

0362.02.14.06 Item – “Dixie Land” song lyrics  ca. 1935 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Song] Dixie Land.

0362.02.14.07 Item – “Goodnight, ladies” song lyrics  ca. 1935 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Song] Goodnight, ladies. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 85.

0362.02.14.08 Item – “The Dunvegan Cannon Ball” song lyrics  ca. 1935 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Song] The Dunvegan Cannon Ball.

0362.02.14.09 Item – “The Dunvegan Cannon Ball” song lyrics (continued)  ca. 1935 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Song] The Dunvegan Cannon Ball (continued).

0362.02.14.10 Item – “The Dunvegan Cannon Ball” A Revised Version, song lyrics ca. 1935 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Song] The Dunvegan Cannon Ball. A Revised Version. Used in 1935 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 127.

0362.02.14.11 Item – “The Dunvegan Cannon Ball” A Revised Version, song lyrics (continued) ca. 1935 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Song] The Dunvegan Cannon Ball. (A Revised Version, continued).

0362.02.14.12 Item – “The Dunvegan Cannon Ball” song lyrics (continued)  ca. 1935 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Song] The Dunvegan Cannon Ball (continued).

0362.02.14.13 Item – “Happy days are here again” song lyrics ca. 1935 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Song] Happy days are here again. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 83.

0362.02.14.16 Item – “Jingle Bells” song lyrics  ca. 1933 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Song] Jingle Bells. Used in 1933 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 51.

0362.02.14.17 Item – “Listen to the Mocking Bird” song lyrics  ca. 1935 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Song] Listen to the Mocking Bird.

0362.02.14.18 Item – “The Maple Leaf Forever!” song lyrics  ca. 1935 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Song] The Maple Leaf Forever! Used in 1935 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 52.

0362.02.14.19 Item – “Mary had a swarm of bees” song lyrics ca. 1935 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

Song. [Comic] Mary had a swarm of bees (Tune “Merrily We’ll Roll Along”). Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 106.

0362.02.14.20 Item – “Massa’s in the Cold Cold Ground” song lyrics  ca. 1935 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Song] Massa’s in the Cold Cold Ground.

0362.02.14.21 Item – “The More we get together” song lyrics  ca. 1935 1 lantern slide : b&w; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Song] The More we get together.

0362.02.14.23 Item – “O Canada! Our home and native land” song lyrics  ca. 1935 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Song] O Canada! Our home and native land.

0362.02.14.24 Item – “O Canada!” (verse and chorus) song lyrics  ca. 1935 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Song] “O Canada” (verse and chorus). Used in 1941 Not By Bread Alone lecture as B. 2 and in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 2.

0362.02.14.25 Item – “O Canada!” song lyrics  ca. 1935 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Song] O Canada.

0362.02.14.26 Item – “O Canada! Terre de nos aieux” (first verse) song lyrics  ca. 1935 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Song] O Canada! Terre de nos aieux (first verse).

0362.02.14.27 Item – “O Canada! Terre de nos aieux” (second verse) song lyrics  ca. 1935 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Song] O Canada! Terre de nos aieux (second verse).

0362.02.14.28 Item – “O Canada! Terre de nos aieux” (third verse) song lyrics  ca. 1935 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Song] O Canada. Terre de nos aieux (third verse).

0362.02.14.29 Item – “O Canada! Terre de nos aieux” (fourth verse) song lyrics  ca. 1935 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Song] O Canada! Terre de nos aieux (fourth verse).

0362.02.14.30 Item – “Old Edson Trail” song lyrics  ca. 1935 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Song] Old Edson Trail. Tune “There’s a long long trail a-winding.” Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 38.

0362.02.14.31 Item – “Old Folks at Home” song lyrics  ca. 1935 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Song] Old Folks at Home.

0362.02.14.32 Item – “Rule Britannia” song lyrics  ca. 1935 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 3¼ x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Song] Rule Britannia.

0362.02.14.33 Item – “Sing mir dein Lied” song lyrics  ca. 1935 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Song] Sing mir dein Lied.

0362.02.14.34 Item – “Sweet Genevieve” song lyrics  ca. 1935 1 lantern slide : colour ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Song] Sweet Genevieve.

0362.02.14.35 Item – “There’ll Always Be An England!” song lyrics  ca. 1935 1 lantern slide ; b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Song] There’ll Always Be An England!

0362.02.14.36 Item – “The Utah Trail!” song lyrics  ca. 1935 1 lantern slide : b&w ; 4 x 3¼ in.
Scope and content:

[Song] The Utah Trail. Used in 1937 Homestead Days lecture as H.D. 50.