The South Peace Regional Archives (“the Archives”) was first established in 2000 as an arm of the Grande Prairie Museum, and was the first regional archives in Alberta. Our founder, Mary Nutting, originally worked in the archives one day a week and brought on different volunteers who worked tirelessly alongside her. In 2007 the Archives became an independent organization overseen by the South Peace Regional Archives Society.
Since the Archives was founded it has grown into a thriving professional organization, recognized throughout the Archival community.
What We Do
The goal of the South Peace Regional Archives is to gather, preserve, and share records of Alberta’s South Peace River region. These records come in various forms, including textual records, paper artifacts, photographs, maps, sound recordings, and film. The Archives processes and preserves historical records that have been donated to prolong their lifespan. We provide reference services and access to the records in the Archives’ collections through our public reading room and website.
We provide outreach events and services, including a quarterly magazine, guided tours, and archival exhibits shared throughout the community. We support Reconciliation work and the Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
The Archives is the only public access archives within the South Peace River Country in Alberta, which includes the City of Grande Prairie, County of Grande Prairie, MD of Greenview, MD of Spirit River, County of Birch Hills and County of Saddle Hills. We serve a geographic area of more than 50 000 sq. km. with an estimated population of 120,751 people in 2021.
Our Team
Ellyn Vandekerkhove
Executive Director
Ellyn is the team leader at the Archives, and answers directly to our Board of Directors. She oversees all areas of the Archives’ operations. Contact her directly to learn about the archives, enquire about programming, partner with the Archives, or to make a monetary donation.
Jack Lawrence
Jack oversees the records at the Archives including preservation, conservation, arrangement and processing, and ongoing collections management. If you are interested in donating material to the Archives, reach out to Jack today.
Teresa Dyck
Access Coordinator
Teresa does a range of work to facilitate access to the Archives. If you have a research question, request a photograph reproduction, or book an appointment, you will probably get a chance to work with her.
Thank You to Our Funding Partners